Conflicts and differing opinions surround us in this world. All voices—good and bad—are amplified through social and mass media. Thankfully, the Lord has given us a voice that we can and should listen to above all others: the voice of living prophets.
Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf said, “One of the glorious messages of the Restoration of the Church of Jesus Christ is that God continues to speak to His children! He is not hidden in the heavens but speaks today as He did in ancient days. From the days of Adam, God has spoken to His children through appointed oracles who are charged with revealing His will and counsel to others.”1
God has always provided a way for us to find the path to Him. The current prophet, President Russell M. Nelson, acts as God’s messenger—not just for members of the Church of Jesus Christ, but also for the world. Our Father in Heaven calls and ordains men who hold the power of the priesthood to receive revelation for the Church and for the world as a whole.
Today’s prophet acts as a watchman on the tower, the mouthpiece of the Lord, and a special witness of Christ.
A Watchman on the Tower
Ezekiel 33:1–7 tells the parable of watchmen who are appointed to watch over a land and sound the trumpet at the sign of danger. These watchmen in our day are living prophets and apostles.
President M. Russell Ballard (1928–2023) taught, “Through the centuries, prophets have fulfilled their duty when they have warned people of the dangers before them. The Lord’s Apostles are duty bound to watch, warn, and reach out to help those seeking answers to life’s questions.”2
Reflecting on the recent counsel we have received from our prophet helps us see what will be most important in the coming days. President Nelson has admonished us to seek personal revelation,3 “let God prevail in our lives,”4 and most recently, “think celestial.”5
Wilford Woodruff taught, “In all ages of the world whenever God was about to Bring a Judgment upon the world or accomplish any great work, the first thing the Lord has done has been to raise up a Prophet & reveal unto him his secrets & send him to warn the people.”6
Seeing the prophet as our watchman on the tower helps us to know how important his advice really is. Because of his calling, the prophet knows what is coming better than we can, and he is in a position to warn us and teach us what really matters.
The Mouthpiece of the Lord
Amos 3:7 is a simple reminder of why we should follow the prophet: “Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets.”
What a promise! The Lord, who has all power and wisdom, who can do anything He sees fit to do, will not do anything until He reveals it to His prophets. We can take comfort in the fact that God will always let us know what is coming. If we heed His words, given to us through the prophet, we will be safe and happy.
President Henry B. Eyring said, “Because our Father loves his children, he will not leave us to guess about what matters most in this life concerning where our attention could bring happiness or our indifference could bring sadness. Sometimes he will tell a person such things directly, by inspiration. But he will, in addition, tell us these important matters through his servants.”7
The scriptures mention many ways the Lord communicates with His prophets. These include inspiration through the Holy Ghost, visions and dreams, and visitations from holy beings. However the prophets receive inspiration, we can be sure that when a prophet speaks to the Church, he is revealing what the Lord has revealed to him personally.
We never have to worry about the prophet giving us incorrect counsel. Wilford Woodruff said, “The Lord will never permit me or any other man who stands as President of this Church to lead you astray. It is not in the programme. It is not in the mind of God.”8
A Special Witness of Christ
The prophet’s primary role is to help us come closer to Christ. Because the prophets are truly special witnesses of our Savior, if we heed their testimonies, our own testimonies will be strengthened.
Joseph Smith said, “Faith comes by hearing the word of God, through the testimony of the servants of God; that testimony is always attended by the Spirit of prophecy and revelation.”9
If we truly listen to the testimony of the living prophet, we will feel the Spirit testify to us of the divinity of the living Christ. President Russell M. Nelson, as prophets before him, has offered powerful testimony of our Savior in each message he has shared.
He declared, “God lives. Jesus is the Christ. His Church has been restored to bless all of God’s children.”10
He affirmed, “Whatever questions or problems you have, the answer is always found in the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. Learn more about His Atonement, His love, His mercy, His doctrine, and His restored gospel of healing and progression. Turn to Him! Follow Him!”11
President Nelson has also left his prophetic blessing: “I bless you to increase your faith in Jesus Christ and learn better how to draw upon His power. I bless you to be able to discern truth from error. I bless you to care more about the things of God than the things of this world. I bless you to see the needs of those around you and strengthen those you love. Because Jesus Christ overcame this world, you can too.”12
Follow the Prophet
We can trust in the words of the prophet. From the beginning of time, humankind has needed prophets who hear and share what God wants to communicate to His children. It is a comfort to me to know that we can not only hear the words of God through a prophet, but we are also blessed as we listen.
Elder Ronald A. Rasband reminded us of the promised blessings of heeding the counsel of the Lord’s ordained prophet: “I promise you that as you heed the counsel of the Prophet, you will have patience with your situations and with your challenges. You will find the inner strength to square your shoulders and press on. The Lord will bless you when you follow the living Prophet.”13
Let us choose to follow the prophet. President Nelson receives the word of the Lord for us today, as prophets have in days past, and as they will continue to do in the future. We are blessed to hear the words of the mouthpiece of the Lord, the watchman on the tower, and the special witness of Jesus Christ.
Lyndie is working toward a degree in Public Relations at Brigham Young University. Originally from Idaho Falls, Idaho, she enjoys running, spending time with her husband and family, and reading. Lyndie served a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Hermosillo, Mexico, where she developed a love for the Spanish language and the people there. She was drawn to the Wilford Woodruff Papers out of a desire to learn more about Church history and enjoys being part of the organization’s efforts to touch lives with Wilford Woodruff’s words.