Day in the Life

Mar 30, 1835

Journal Entry

March 30, 1835 ~ Monday

Travled from Mr Logwood to Sommersville
& on to Bolivar spent the night at the house
of Esq. Hardamand Amid Musick &
Dancing in Hardamand Co. Distance 35 miles


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Autobiography Volume 1 circa 1842-1865
Monday the , I walked thirty-five miles and spent the night with sqr. Hardamand in Hardamand Co. Being very weary I went to bed early; but as there was a ball that night in honor of the return of the sqr's two sons from college and dancing until 2 o'clock in the morning I got but little sleep. Mr Hardaman lived in great splendor. At breakfast time next morning, when his table was surrounded by ladies and gentemen, he asked me if we beleived in music and dancing. He was an Episcopalian and esteemed highly those amusements. I replied in a spirit of pleasentry that we did not consider it essential to salvation to which he returned in the same spirit that he did and so should not join our Church. Starting again on my jorney I walked twenty- four miles and spent the night with Mr. Jacob Sipes and preached in his house. This was in Madison Co.
Daybook (13 January 1835 - 26 November 1836)
Left Mr Logwood and travled through Sommersville to Bolivar Spent the night at the house of Esq Hardamand amid Music & dancing in Hardamand County Distance 35 miles


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Mar 30, 1835