Day in the Life

May 31, 1835

Journal Entry

May 31, 1835 ~ Sunday

Sunday Preached at Mr Roggers to A large conggr
egation on the authenticity of the Book of Mormon


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Rogers, Jesse
aft. 1759-bef. 1844

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Autobiography Volume 1 circa 1842-1865
Sunday we preached at Mr Rogers to a large congregation on the Authenticity of the Book of mormon
Autobiography 1857 Draft 2
and Albert Petty ordained a Teacher. , I was ordained under the hands of ^by^ David W. Patten a member of the second quorum of Seventies. We We continued to extended our laborsed over a circuit of several hundred miles, bro. Smoot labored continually with us and bro. Clapp frequently. We travelled two by two, only as ^except when^ we ^&^ all met together to hold conferences.
Daybook (13 January 1835 - 26 November 1836)
On the Lords Day preached at Mr Roggers to a large congregation on the authenticity of the Book of Mormon then to Mr Thompsons


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May 31, 1835