Day in the Life

May 28, 1836

Journal Entry

May 28, 1836 ~ Saturday
May 28
At a conferenc convened at Br Seth Utleys agreeablye
to appointment on the 28 day of may 1836 congregation
called to order & Elder David W Patten nominated
& seconded to officiate as chairman & Elder Warren
secretary. Opened by singing & Prayer & Pro
ceded to business. The chairman made some prelimin
ary remarks touching the object & order of the meeti
ng & called upon the official members to inform the
conference in what manner they had tought also
their present faith in the fulness of the gospel as con
tained in the bible book of mormon & book of doctrins
& covenants
Elder W. Woodruff was called
upon to offer us his feelings upon the subject which
he did to our entire satisfaction the chairman then
called upon all the official members present to rise
upon their feet if they concured in what Elder
Woodruff had said the vote was unanimous also
the Church concured in the same. Benjamin Clapp
Priest then arose & represented & represented the
Taropen Branch which consists of 28 members
in good standing Daniel S. Thomas represented the
Clarks River branch consisting of 9 members in
good standing. Elder A. O. Smoot represented
Blood River branch consisting of 10 members in
good standing Elder Woodruff represented the
Academy Branch consisting of 10 members in good
standing with the exception of their not altogether
observing the word of wisdom [Doctrine and Covenants 89] Deacon A B. Wilson
represented the Chalk Level branch consisting of 27 mem
bers in good standing with the exception of some few
who have been shaken of late by the ungodly conduct
& teaching of John Jackson which was a Teacher in
the Cyprus branch but has now apostatized. Elder
Woodruff represented the Eagle Creek branch consist
eding of 15 members in good standing Also Cyprus
branch consisting of 10 members 3 of which have apos
tatized John Jackson their Teacher is one of the number
3 are disaffected & 4 in good standing Also 7 members
scattered abroad not recognized with any branch

John Jackson was expeled by the conference Sister
Jackson & Howard Williams had their names with
from the church by their request & the voice
of the church

Deacon Abel B Wilson & Jesse
was ordained Priest & Albert Petty Teac
her under the hand of Elder W Parrish the move
was made by the chairman & a unanimous vote
given by the church for the above ordinations A vote
called & unanimously carried that Elder Elias F
shall receieve a letter of commendation to
the Church in Kirtland. Congragation dissmissed
by singing with the blessing of God

An action was
prefered against Elder D Cathcart by Elder
Wells for unchristian conduct & the conference
of official members repaired from Br Utleys to
Br S West's to try the case. Elder Cathcart was
convicted of unchristian conduct & fals Teachings
& being led by evil spirits which was supported
by strong testimony he confessed his faults & asked
forgivness which was granted him on condition
that he would repair the wrongs which he had
done in the different branches of the church
which he promised to do he was then restored to
. The conference closed by Prayer
which closed the procedings of the DAY


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

32 mentions
1835 Southern Convert
Smoot, Abraham Owen
17 Feb 1815 - 6 Mar 1895
586 mentions
1835 Southern Convert
Petty, Albert
10 Aug 1795 - 19 Jun 1869
78 mentions
1835 Southern Convert
Clapp, Benjamin Lynn
19 Aug 1814 - 21 Oct 1865
141 mentions
1835 Southern Convert
Jackson, Catherine
abt. 1800-aft. 1859
5 mentions
1835 Southern Convert
Cathcart, Daniel
10 Aug 1803 - 14 Nov 1873
Thomas, Daniel Stillwell
15 Mar 1803 - 27 Jun 1878
59 mentions
1835 Southern Convert
Patten, David Wyman
14 Nov 1799 - 25 Oct 1838
140 mentions
32 mentions
Turpin, Jesse
44 mentions
1835 Southern Convert
Williams, John Howard
abt. 1808-bef. 1885
20 mentions
1835 Southern Convert
Jackson, John
abt. 1791-aft. 1848
53 mentions
1835 Southern Convert
West, Samuel Walker
30 Mar 1804 - 22 Feb 1873
58 mentions
1835 Southern Convert
Utley, Seth
7 Oct 1789 - 15 Aug 1866
67 mentions
1835 Southern Convert
Parrish, Warren Farr
10 Jan 1803 - 3 Jan 1877
186 mentions


Browse places mentioned in Wilford Woodruff's journal entry on this day. Click on the place names to view other pages where they are mentioned.


Related Documents

Browse other documents with this same date. These could include pages from Wilford Woodruff's autobiographies, daybooks, letters, histories, and personal papers. Click on the document titles to view the full document.

Autobiography Volume 1 circa 1842-1865

a conference was held at brother Seth Utlay's agreeable to appointment at which Elder David Patten presided and Warren Parrish acted as clerk. The usual business of Conferences

Autobiography 1883 Tullidge's Quarterly Magazine

On the , we held a conference at Brother Seth Utley's, where were repre- sented all the branches of the Church in the South.

Autobiography 1882 Leaves from My Journal

On the , we held a conference at Brother Seth Utley's, where were represented all the branches of the Church in the South.

Autobiography 1857 Draft 1

laboured with us. We held a conference on the at Brother Seth Utley ^in Benton County Tennessee^ where there was 7 Branches represented containing 116 members Abel Wilson & Jesse Turpin were ordained priest

Autobiography 1857 Draft 2

on the , at bro. Seth Utleys; 7 branches were represented con- taining 116 members. Abel Wilson and Jesse Turpin ^were^ ordained priests

Daybook (31 December 1835 - 3 January 1837)

May 28 At a conference convened at Br Seth Utleys agreeable to appointment on the 28 day of may 1836 congregation called to order & Elder David W Patten nominated & seconded to officiate as chairman & Elder Warren Parish secretary. Opened by singing & Prayer & proceded to business. The chairman made some preliminary remarks touching the object & order of the meeting & called upon the official members to inform the conference in what mann er they had tought also their present faith in the fulness of the gospel as contained in the bible book of mormon & book of doctrins & covenants Elder W. Woodruff was called upon to offer us his feelings upon the subject which he did to our entire satisfaction the chairman then called upon all the official members present to rise upon their feet if they concured in what Elder Woodruff had said the vote was unanimous also the church concured in the same. Benjamin Clapp Priest then arose & represented Taropen Branch which consists of 28 members in godod standing Daniel S Thomas represented the Clarks River branch consisting of 9 members in good standing Elder A O Smoot represented Blood river branch consisting of 10 members in good standing Elder Woodruff represented the Academy Branch consisting of 10 members in good standing with the exception of their not altogether observing the word of wisdom Deacon A B Wilson represented the Chalk Level branch consisting of 27 members in good standing with the exception of some few who have been shaken of late by the ungodly conduct & teaching of John Jackson which was a Teacher in the Cyprus branch but has now apostatized. Elder Woodruff represe- nted the Eagle Creek branch consisting of 15 members in good standing Also Cyprus branch consis- ting of 10 members 3 of which have apostatized John Jackson their Teacher is one of the number 3 are disaffected & 4 in good standing Also 7 members scattered abroad not recognized with any branch. John Jackson was expeled by the conference Sister Jackson & Howard Williams had their names withdrawn from the church by their request & the voice of the Church

Autobiography 1858 Deseret News

at br. Seth Utley's. Seven branches were represented containing 116 members. Abel Wilson and Jesse Turpin were ordained Priests and Albert Petty a Teacher.


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Wilford called to be a member of the Second Quorum of the Seventy at age 29.

May 28, 1836