Sept 4th Opened by singing & prayer & a discours
deliverd by President D. W. Patten from these words
repent & believe the gospel Mark 1st 15 after
which 5 presented themselves for Baptism
the congregations repaired to the water whare
the ordinance of Baptism was administered unto
five persons by President Patten then the people
returned to the house & a sermon was deliverd by
President Marsh on the gifts & graces of the Church
after which the Lords supper was administered &
those that were baptized were confirmed by the
laying on of hands of Counsellor Groves & this
interesting Conference closed by singing & Prayer
Johnston F Lane clerk. Thomas B. Marsh, President
Elders Grooves & Boydstun heal'd by the laying on of hands
As Elder W. Woodruff is about to leave for Kirtland
and has been labouring for the last year & a half
with the churches included in the Tennessee confer-
ence & stands in need of clothing & money to return
to Kirtland President's Patten & Marsh called a
contribution of the church & congregation in the
time of the aforementioned conference to supply
Elder Woodruffs necessities the list of the contr
ibution taken down is as follows Brothers Henry
Thomas $5.00 five dollars Benjamin Clapp $6.00
Simeon Hendricks $10.00 Jefferson Turnbow
$2.00 In the store Eligah Glasgo 50 cts David Crider
50 cts John Tomas $1.00. William Christmas 25 cts
Randolph Alexander $5.00. James MCcartney $2
in the store Isaiah Benton 50 cts Henry Loy $2.00
in the store Jourden Hendricks 50 cts Henry
Thomas Sen $1.00 Jesse Turpin $5.00. John Camp
$5.00 Daniel S Thomas $5.00 James Allen $5.00
in the store. Lewis Clapp $6.00 Lewis Allen $5.00
Linzy Braidy $6.00. Rachael Turnbow 25 cts Oliver
Drown 75 cts Alfred Loy $2.00 in the store
Making cash | $63.35 |
In the store | $13.00 |
Total | $76.35 |
The above list of contributions is recorded in the
Tennessee confererence records J. F. Lane clerk
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