Day in the Life

May 31, 1838

Journal Entry

May 31, 1838 ~ Thursday

31st This is the last day of May & a beautiful & serene morning. After taking breakfast with Mr Elston I took
a walk in company with Elder Ball into the state of [FIGURE] NEW JERSEY It was a pleasant walk indeed. we
passed the schoolhouse whare sat the youth with his mind occupied in study that he might be prepared to take the
place of his parents in the rising generation. This view brought fresh to my memory the days of my youth &
vanity. We next passed the farmhouse crowned with the fruits of a dairy which was so large that it required
a hors mill to churn the butter. the hors was upon the tread wheel for that purpose as we passed along.
smaller wheels are often in use whare the dairies are not so large & they are often turned by a sheep, a dog, or
a boy; others are larger still & carried by water. After walking a distan[c]e in the state above named we took
a by path & rose a high hill; the road was strewed with a great variety of flowers the honey suckle &c. we soon came
to the top of the hill whare we had a beautiful view of the surrounding country we sat down under the shade of a
chesnut & took a survey of the distant fields of Grain which presented a pleasing prospect, & while the birds tuned
their melodious notes we bowed our knees in prayer to the Author of every blessing. What reflections occupy the
mind of man amid the speed of time. This is the first time my feet ever pressed the soil of New jersey, this adds
another state to the list that I have visited in my Peregrinations [FIGURE] seventeen states. O time how swift thou art

one year ago this morning I left Kirtland in company with Elder Hale to go to the Islands of the sea the Lord hath
prospered our way & blessed be his name. Whare will another May day find me O, LORD thou knowest.
After being refreshed by the breeze I drew my pen & wrote these lines & then returned to E. Elstons house
& felt refreshed by our morning's walk. We dined at Mr Elstons & walked to Westtown & appointed a meeting
at candle light it was expected that we should meet with some disturbance from a company of men lead
by two drunken Doctors who were parrading in the street with their drums fifes & other instruments of
musick, but they attended the meeting in silence I preached to the people from Jer 31 ch 22 v. Elder Ball followed
me we delt with the people in plainness we spent the night with Mr Walter Clark distance 8 miles


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Hale, Jonathan Harriman
1 Feb 1800 - 4 Sep 1846
154 mentions
Ball, Joseph T.
21 Feb 1804 - 20 Sep 1861
52 mentions
Maine Mission


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Related Documents

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Autobiography Volume 1 circa 1842-1865

On the after taking breakfast with Mr Elston I took a walk with Elder Ball into the State of New Jersey It was a beautiful serene morning and we had a pleasent walk indeed. At the school house as we passed sat a youth with his mind occupied with study

Daybook (9 May - 9 July 1838)

31st This is the last day of may & a beautiful & serene morning. After taking breakfast with Mr Elston I took a walke in company with Elder Ball into the State of New jersey it was a pleasant walked indeed. We passed the school house whare stat the youth studying his Book to prepare himself to occupy the place of his pa- rents in the rising generation the view of it brought fresh to our memory the days of our youth & van- ity. We next passed itthe farm house crowned with the fruits of a day which was so large that it

Daybook (9 May - 9 July 1838)

required a hors mill to churn the butter the hors was upon the tread wheal for that purpose as we passed by, smaller wheels are often made whare the dairy is not so large & turned by a dog a sheep or boy. We soon came to the New [jers] line, we took a long path & rose a high hill the road was strewed with a great variety of flowers the honey suckle &c. we soon came to the top of the hill whare we had a beautiful view of the surrounding country we sat down in the shade of a chesnut & took a survey of the distant fields of grain which presented a pleasing prospect & while the bird tuned the melodious note we bowed our knea in prayer to the giver of every blessing. What reflections occupy the mind of man amid the speed of time. This is the first time my feet ever pressed the soil o[f] New Jersey this adds another state to the list that I have visited in my perigrinations O time how swift thou art! One year ago this morning I left Kirtland this m- rning in company with Elder Hale to go to the Islands of the Sea the Lord hath prospered our way & blessed be his name. whare will another May day find me O Lord thou knowest. After being refreshed by the breeze I drew my pencil & pened those lines & then arose & returned to Mr. E. Elstons house & felt refreshed by our morning walked we dined with Mr Elston & walked to Westtown & appointed a meeting at candle light it was expected that we should meet with some

Daybook (9 May - 9 July 1838)

disturbance from a company led by two drunken Doctorrs who were parading the streets at an early hour with there drums, fifes, & other instruments of music, but they attended the meeting in silence I preached to the people from Jer 31 ch 22v {shorthand} Elder Ball followed me we delt with the people in plainness we spent the night with Mr Clarke Mr. Walter Clark 8 miles


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

May 31, 1838