12 Sunday I arose in the morning & took
(Breakfast shall I say) I eat it is true, & used
a peace of bread for a plate & my fingers
for a knife & fork & was charged high for
it at that. I herd some of the passengers boast
of the superior accomodations in England to
those of Americe I confess I could not
eat without smileing thinking if this is the
superior Englaish accomodations I do not
know what those of the next Nation will
be. I would not wish the reader to under
stand this to be a proper sample of English
customs, but ownly as we were strangers
we had the misfortune to be directed to
a place of the above description We paid
our Bill & retired. We walked to the shiping &
through a number of the streets & called at
M. Seymour Rotunda Place No. 7 Waterloo road
to spend the day & night. After Dining I atten
ded meeting at St Pauls Church & also
St Thomas'es Church both of the Church
of England. It was singular to hear these
rectors & curits [curates] preach against the form
of Godliness without the power of it, while
at the same [time] their is no people perhaps
more formal than themselves. I also
attended meeting at Pitt Stree Methodist Chapel
the speaker appeared quite easy & simple
in his manners all of the above named chapels
were quite splended with the stand near
the centre of the house which is the English
costom they bury their dead in the yard
all around their church & lay the grave
stones flat upon the ground & it forms
a pavement to walk upon. I find the people
both rich & poor, male & female to be m-
uch more plain in their dress than those
of America. I returned to M Seymour
& spent the night
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