Day in the Life

Nov 15, 1841

Journal Entry

November 15, 1841 ~ Monday

15th I laid a floor in my bedroom


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I am now in the midst of hundreds that I have Baptized throughout America, the Islands of the Sea England &c that have been gatherd together to Nauvoo through the influ ence of the gospel.
~ Wilford Woodruff

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Epistle to the Saints Scattered abroad, 15 November 1841
Daybook (1841 - May 1844)
Nov 15 Cr to John Hodson for one days work 1.00 Do John Hodson Dr to 1 bushel corn 33 Do bought one lb candles 18 3/4 Do Do 1/2 hbushel hare 25 Br Freeman gave me a load of wood * Do Borrowed of Br Tracy 2 lbs 4/ mails for lathing * 16th Borrowed $20 dollars of Malatire Luce in silver for which I gave my Note payable on demand Do I Bought four Acres of Land of Zera Pulsipher joining his house on the township line I paid him $20 for the first 2 acres at $10. per acre I agree to pay him $12 per acre for the other two which makes $24 dollars still due him to be paid a year from this date he is to give me a bond for a deed Do J. Hodson Dr to One bushel of lime 18 1/4 17th I sold five acres of Land to Mary Pitt belonging to Daniel S. Miles for which she paid $50 dollars in gold which I deliverd to Zerah Pulsipher, who with the others of the comittee will give her a bond for a deed 20th I assisted D. S. Miles in selling 16 acres of his lot at $10 per acre in Section 32 Do I Bought ten five acres of land in section 32 of Daniel S. Miles for which I am to give my obligations when I get a bond for a deed at $10 dollars per acre Do bought 7 lbs of nails 87 1/2 & two chickins 18 3/4 22nd Cr to John Hodson for plastering a room 10 by 14 John Hodson Dr to 1 bushel corn 2533 23nd Cr to Sister Hyde for 25 lbs beef 75 * 24th Cr to Mr Thompson for treetop 37 1/2 25th John Hodson Dr to 10 feet of lumber 20 to 1/2 lb of nails 6 Bought steel yards & 8 lbs salt 1.00 26 John Hodson Dr to 8 feet lumber 16 30th Cr to B Young by cash $1 1.00 Dec 2nd Cr to Darwin Chase by 232 feet flooring 2 4.64 Cr to Hiram Clark making a crain hook 4th Sister Hyde left some shorts with us Paid Thompson 37 1/2 cts for wood which settles the above 37 1/2 7th Darwin Chase Dr to 2 yards & 3 inches of bread cloth $12.58 Ditto to 20 Buttons, 51 yard twist, 6 sk^e^ins silk 1 peace of tape 1.00


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Nov 15, 1841