Day in the Life

Aug 6, 1843

Journal Entry

August 06, 1843 ~ Sunday

6th Sunday in the fore part of the day I attended
meeting of the Millerites in company with Elder
Young & others. Mr Litz preached from
Jer 24 ch concerning the good & bad figs. isn speaking
of the covenant made to Abraham in giving him the
land of Canaan, he said it was not to seeds but seed
which was Christ, so the land belong to Jesus Christ
& not the Jews but Jesus Christ had rented it to the
Jews at 6 per cent or for evry 10th & the ownly
terms on which it was given to the Jews, & that
they were robing God all the while, will a man
rob God &c & the Land was taken away from
the Jews & who shall have the land not
the Jews the natural seed. But those that are
Baptised into Jesus Christ & his spiritual children,
the kingdom was to be taken from the Jews &
given to a Nation Bringing forth the fruits there
of which will take place when Christ come
with his Church & Body & will then take
Jerrusalem. -[Why did he not say that it has already
been given to the gentiles & they have also fallen away]-

Tehe Jews as a nation will not go to the land
of Jerrusalem & when Jesus Christ comes the
Jews will No more be his people. I will admit
that the Jews will go with the other Nations
against Jerrusalem to Battle against the Lord
& his Saints & fight against Jerrusalem &
the Lord shall go forth & fight against the
Nations & the Jews among the rest & that the
Jews will fight agains Jerrusalem if the Jews
ever go to Jerrusalem they will not go as Jews
but all Christians as Christ Body &c &c

The above was the arguments presented by
the milerite to do away with the literal fulfill-
ment of the Bible concerning the return of
the Jews & the rebuilding of Jerrusalem.
But most of his arguments were fals &

In the Afternoon we met with the Saints
In the Canaanite Church in Julia Ann St
about 300 Saints were present, meeting
was opened by Elder Grant & Elder B. Young
Addressed the congregation to considerable
length & laid a good foundation among other
things said, that a man or woman may ask
of God & get a witness & testimony from God
concerning any work or messenger that is sent
unto them But if a person asks for a thing that
does not concern him, such as governing the
Church what shall the prophet or the Twelve
do &c he will not get an answer if he does it
will not be from God.

He also remarked in
conversation or inquired who had the Melchezedek
that if any in the Church had it he did not
know it For any person to have the fulness of that

priesthood must be a king & a Priest a
person may have a portion of that Priesthood the
same as Governors or Judges of England have
power from the King to transact business but
yet he is not the king of England. A person may
be anointed king & priest before they receive
their kingdom &c. At the close of the meeting
I dim returned to Br Hammers & in the evening
Elder O. Pratt Preached & was followd
by few remarks from Elder G A Smith


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

246 mentions
Scriptural Figure
Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 29 Aug 1877
3472 mentions
Apostle, Family
Edward VII of England
9 Nov 1841 - 6 May 1910
5 mentions
Historical Figure
Smith, George Albert
26 Jun 1817 - 1 Sep 1875
1448 mentions
Apostle, Missionary
Grant, Jedediah Morgan
25 Feb 1816 - 1 Dec 1856
282 mentions
Apostle, Zion's Camp
2 mentions
Pratt, Orson
19 Sep 1811 - 3 Oct 1881
1088 mentions


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Autobiography Volume 1 circa 1842-1865
On the ^Sunday^ afternoon of the which was Sunday we met in the Canaanite Church about 300 Saints. Elder Grant opened the meeting and ^which^ President Brigham Young addressed the meeting at considerable length. Among other things he said "A man or a woman may ask of God and get a witness and testimony from [word erased] concerning any work or messenger sent unto them; but if a person asks for a thing that does not concern him such as governing the Church &c he will not get an answer and if he does it will not be from God" He also remarked in conversation upon the enquiry of, Who had the ^fulness of the^ Melchisidec Priesthood that if any in the Church had it he did not know it. For a person to have ^the fulness of^ that Priesthood he must be a King and a Priest. A person ^He^ might have a portion of ^it^ that Priesthood the same as the governors or Judges of England have power from the King to transact business but he is ^they are^ not the King of England. A person may be anointed King and Priest before he receives his Kingdom &c. In the evening Orson Pratt preached, followed by remarks from George A Smith. One the morning of this Sabath I went with Elder Young and others to a Millerite Meeting. Here we heard a Mr Litz preach a sermon destroying the literal return of the Jews and rebuilding of Jerusalem


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Wilford serves fourth mission in Eastern United States (with other apostles) to raise funds for temple.

Aug 6, 1843