Nov 1st We arived in St Louis at 4 oclok
in the morning & was glad to get so far. I
made a bargain with Capt Glaim, master
of the Sarah Ann to take my freight to
Nauvoo for 20 cts per cwt but he said he
could not wait for me longer than 10 oclock
& I had to wait untill 150 tons of freight
was removed before I could get mine & I
laboured & toiled hard to get my freight out
but did not accomplish it untill 4 oclok in
the Afternoon & the captain crowding me
evry moment I had but little time to do any
thing in St Louis but I bought a bill of
articles for my family & house that amounted
to about $10 & got evry thing safe on board
of the Sarah Ann & started for Nauvoo with
a large keel boat in tow both loaded down with
freight & passengers I tore my fingers badly
with a rope gitting out a box. I found
Elder Rushton & his wife on board we stoped
on the biler deck we had a rainy night
I took cold
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