Day in the Life

Dec 4, 1843

Journal Entry

December 04, 1843 ~ Monday

4th I was quite unwell our suit with Madison
was put off two days I was confined to the
house most of the day


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Daybook (1841 - May 1844)
Dec 4th, 1843 Hiram Kimball Cr By 12,350 Brick at $5 per thousand $61.75 19th By 23900 at $5 $19.50 $87.25 53.90 $27.35 Due on Settlement 92.43 Settled the Above August 24th 1844 [rest of page blank]


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Publication of "The History of Joseph Smith" in the Times and Seasons covering period up to January 7, 1832.

Dec 4, 1843