Day in the Life

Mar 13, 1844

Journal Entry

March 13, 1844 ~ Wednesday

13 I spent part of the day in writing & returned
to Nauvoo in the evening An arrow I met in counci[l]
with the brethren for the first time during
the week


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Political/Government - Presentation to Council, 13 March 1844
Wednesday This morning at 11 o clock the council was convened by order of the chairman. After organization the chairman presented Elders Orson Hyde, Wilford Woodruff, and James Emmett to the council for their ad- mission to membership. The letters from Black river were read and the nature and object of the meeting explained by the chairman after which the candidates were called upon to express their feelings and deter- minations and say if they were willing to abide by the Resolution offered by Er L. Woodworth. The brethren then stated their determination to abide by the order


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Wilford completes brick home in Nauvoo; over the next 2 years he lives in it for less than 6 weeks.

Mar 13, 1844