24th March Sunday I met with the Saints
at the Temple when I arived President Joseph
Smith was speaking the following is the substa-
nce of what I herd him say
[Joseph Smith Papers Document] I have been informed by two gentleman that
a conspiricy is got up in this place for the purpose
of taking the life of president Joseph Smith his
family and all the Smith family, the heads of the
Church. one of the gentleman will give his naname to
the public & the other wishes it to be hid for the present
they will both testify to it on oath & make an affidavit
upon it the names of the persons revealed at the
head of the conspiracy are as follows (Chancy Higby
Dr Foster, Mr Jackson, Wm & Wilson Law)
And the lies that Higby has hatched up as a
foundation to work upon is he says that I had
mens heads cut off in Missouri & that I had a
sword run through the hearts of the people that I
wanted to kill & oput out of the way. I wont
sware out a warrent against them for I dont
fear any of them they would not scare of[f] an
old setting hen. I intend to publish all the
iniquity that I know of. If I am guilty I am ready
to bear it their is honor among enemies I am
willing to do any thing for the good of the people.
I will give the names of one of the gentleman who
have divulged the plot his name is Eaton. he
will sware to it he is a bold fellow. Jackson
said a Smith should not be alive 2 weeks not over
two months any how. As concerning the
character of these men I will say nothing about
it now, but If I hear any thing more from
them on this subject I will tell what I know
about them
Elder O. Spencer Addressed the people
as follows. I thought of a figure ie if a physician
was going to dissect a body he would not begin at
the limbs but cut the head of[f] first. So the Adversary
has laid a plan to cut off the head of the Church
with the intention of scattering & destroying the
whole body. It was so in the days of Jesus
Christ the enemies sought to kill him that the
body might be destroyed, which was also the
case in the days of Elijah, Daniel, & many of the
ancients. I once herd a man say who was opposed
to this work that it might be true but it gave Jo
Smith power. true said I but if his power
be subordinate to the power of God it is right
If a man set up a kingdom by the power of God
then let others seek power from the same source
God sets up kingdoms & pulls down kingdoms
this makes men mad that will not submit to the
kingdom of God. We all know the result of the
power of Moses who was the representative of
God. Judging from what is past how will it be
when God sets up his kingdom in the last days
whether their is a conspiracy now or not I dont
know, but no doubt their will be if not know
for it has always been so. In the days of the
Nephites they had their Gadianton robers. I
have not any doubt but that the Apostates will
Join with the others wicked powers to try to put
down the power of God, and I am glad to
have the power of the kingdom of God tested
& when it is fully tried it will stand. I care
not what sacrifice I am called to make for such
a kingdom, if its friends, welth or even life at
the purchase of such a kingdom it is cheap. did the
ancient Apostles, prophets or Saints who died pay two
much for that kingdom they did not. It is
necessary that men be put in possession of the
knowledge & mysteries of the kingdom of God in
order to sin as far as they wish that they may go to the
highest pitch. How often men lay down their lives
for their country & other purposes, much better then
to die for the cause of God. Good and righteous
men will administer Justice & rebuke evil & the
Church should be clensed from bad men & the
Lord will take his own way to clens the Church. We
should lift up our voice against wickedness of
all kinds, but will the rulers of our land do it no
they will not. they will be cowards untill their
is no man to fight & then be brave when goverment
will not do it some man should take the helm of
government that will do it. will it be called treason
if the God of heaven should set up a kingdom.
may the Lord give you more & more of his spirit
light & intelligence untill you are cemented together
in union & love Amen
President S Rigdon arose & addressed the assembly
in an interesting manner for a length of time the following
are a few Items of his remarks.
If according to
the remarks in the morning A conspiracy does exhist
with the persons that have been named, It is one of
those kind of associations that could not exhist in
any thing except against the kingdom of God.
A word concerning power. History refers us back
beyound civilization in treating upon this subject
In consequence of power, their is strength & glory
whare their is no power it is like flies without any
ordor or rule. I have viewed the nations of the
earth & the way they are relaxing in power & the course
they are persuing one hundred years will not pass
away till there would not be a man or woman
on the earth, and nothing but the hand of God can
save it, & this is why God would send Elijah
to do his work, for all the power the nations
will soon have is to destroy each other, for soon
nation will be against nation party against party
the rich against the poor & the poor against the rich
untill they are destroyed from under heaven
Tradition says the pope destroyed the Church
of God. Rome followed the Church as long as
their was a Saint & now you say the pope killed
fifty millions of Christians you lie sir their was
not a Christian on Earth, for when rome killed
the kChristians & would not have God rule they
wanted a pope & God gave them one or permitted
them to have one & he killed fifty millions. its
true but they were not Christians for they wer
already dead, but it was of their own number
ownly differed from them in sentiment here was
power with a vengance. But as soon as God sends
a man to use the power of God, then they are
afraid of power. now the world says the religion
of Jesus shed this blood & the bible &c but
men must be vary ignorant of the bible & the
religion of Jesus Christ to, to say such things for
it was for the want of religion & the bible that
caused the blood to be shed, for God Jesus
Christ nor religion had any more hand in it
than you had. The power of God & Jesus
Christ & religion would have saved if they had
had it.
[Joseph Smith Papers Document] President Joseph Smith again arose & said
In relation to the power over the minds of the
mankind which I hold, I would say it is in
consequence of the power of truth in the
doctrins which I have been an instrument in
the hands of God of presenting unto them, & not
because of any compulsion on my part. I will
ask if I ever got any of it unfair. If I have
not reprooved you in the gate. I ask did I ever
exercise any compulsion over any man. did I not
give him the liberty of disbelieveing any doctrin I
have preached if he saw fit. why do not my
enemies strike a blow at the doctrin. they
cannot do it, it is truth. And I am as the
voice of one crying in the wilderness repent
of your sins & prepare the way for the coming
of the Son of Man, for the kingdom of God
has come unto you and henceforth the
ax is laid unto the root of the tree, and evry
tree that bringeth not forth good fruit, God
Almighty (and not Jo Smith) shall hew down &
cast it into the fire.) [Matthew 3:2-3; 10]
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I have not any doubt but that the apostates will join with the others wicked powers to try to put down the power of God. and I am glad to have the power of the kingdom of God tested & when it is fully tried it will stand, I care not what sacrifice I am called to make for such a kingdom, if its friends, welth or even life at the purchase of such a kingdom it is cheap, did the ancient Apostles, Prophets or Saints who died pay two much for that kingdom they did not.
Good and righteous men will administer justice & rebuke evil & the church should be clensed from bad men & the Lord will take his own way to clens the Church, we should lift up our voice against wickedness of all kinds, but will the rulers of our land do it no they will not, they will be cowards untill their is no man to fight & then be brave when goverment will not do it some man should take the helm of government that will do it, will it be called treason if the God of heaven should set up a kingdom, may the Lord give you more & more of his spirit light & intelligence untill you are cemented together in union & love Amen
President Joseph Smith again arose & said In relation to the power over the minds of the mankind which I hold, I would say it is in consequence of the power of truth in the doctrins which I have been an instrument in the hands of God of presenting unto them & not because of any compulsion on my part.
I ask did I ever exercise any compulsion over any man. did I not give him the liberty of disbelieveing any doctrin I have preached if he saw fit, why do not my enemies strike a blow at the doctrin, they cannot do it, it is truth, And I am as the voice of one crying in the wilderness repent of your sins & prepare the way for the coming of the son of Man, for the kingdom of God has come unto you and henceforth the ax is laid unto the root of the tree, and evry tree that bringeth not forth good fruit, God Almighty (and not Jo Smith) shall hew down & cast it into the fire.)
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