Day in the Life

Apr 10, 1846

Journal Entry

April 10, 1846 ~ Friday

10th A hand pointing to the right I I wrote A letter to Azmon Woodruff
giving him An account of all our
Journey up to this date we are still Assending
the Misissippi towards St Louis I paid my fare
to St Louis from Cincinnati $6 = $24.


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Woodruff, Azmon, b. 1802
29 Nov 1802 - 14 Jan 1889
367 mentions


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Letter from Reuben Hedlock, 10 April 1846
Stanley Buildings Bath St Liverpool Dear Brother Woodruff your Welcom Letter of March 2nd & 7th came Duly to Hand and I am glad to hear that you are safe Landed in N. York after so perilous a Voige and hope these Lines will find you well as they Leave me at pressent and all in the office. I am thankfull to learn by your letter that the twelve are safe from the hand of their persecutors and hope when they get Beyond the Bounds of time and space or in other words when they find a Resting place in the wilderness that they may have Rest from their Enemes and be enabled to fulfill their High calling in the Kindgom of God unmolested, you ask me to write to you all particulors Respecting affairs in Briten and to comply with your Request I scarcley know where to Begin, but will Begin at what I consider of importance first as to the church in Briten I would say that it is in full as healthy state as when you Left and some conferences are improving verry much for instance Malesfield is in peace and guiet ness for the first time since it was a conference and Dayley increesseng which may Be said of all the conferences I have had to atend is spessial conference in Birmingham and the Result is father Crook is


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Times and Seasons stops serial publication of the Manuscript History of the Church (history ends with events on August 11, 1834).

Apr 10, 1846