Day in the Life

May 10, 1846

Journal Entry

May 10, 1846 ~ Sunday

10th ^ A hand pointing to the right A hand pointing to the right A folded letter/box^ Sunday I wrote A letter to Mr Roe at
Farmington I recieved 3 letters one from
Br E. H. Davis London one from B Young
camp of Israel And one from Mr Rowe

I went to the Temple at an early hour
found the House filled Elder Phelps opened
by Prayer. I Addressed the Saints from
the words of Solomon "there is a time
to all things And for evry purpose under
heavens there is a season" [Ecclesiastes 3:1]

I was followed by A. Fielding B. Clapp
And others. I had a good day perhaps
the last time I shall preach in that House


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Fielding, Amos
16 Jul 1792 - 5 Aug 1875
Clapp, Benjamin Lynn
19 Aug 1814 - 21 Oct 1865
141 mentions
1835 Southern Convert
Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 29 Aug 1877
3466 mentions
Apostle, Family
1 mention
47 mentions
Scriptural Figure
Phelps, William Wines
17 Feb 1792 - 7 Mar 1872


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Discourse 1846-05-10
W. Woodruff I wo[ul]d be glad we cod talk on religious & not temporal matters in our public meetings & to those who [a]r[e] going into the Camp. the State of Mo have risen cows from 10 to 30, oxen from 25 to 60 or 70, when the Sts [Saints] buy buy in Iowa—take all the cows & sheep u can get & take ur flour—again, dispose of all your effects here or in Iowa—here is mr Strang & mr Rigdon [h]av[e] tried to oppress this pple & take up the Doctr & Covts to prove it there is a rev[elatio]n after which sas the Ke[y]s shall not be taken from us &c—Jos S did abide in the law—he was martyrd for the truth—we [h]av[e] no test but that he abode in the law & I hope this will ansr for all—mr Rig s[ai]d Jos was martyrd & was gone home—Jos was not called to appoint anor—in his place. every thing is being tried to make a handle of this ppl—he still holds his statn & no one ever will be appointed in his station for he is gone home to rece[ive] his reward
Discourse 1846-05-10
10 a.m. Thomas Bullock, Recorder. P H P Wilford Woodruff, W. W. Phelps P S Z. John S. Fulmer, Amos Fielding, J. L. Heywood P H P Noah Packard, Levi Richards, P E Q Wm Anderson, B. L. Clapp P A P William Felshaw Joseph B Nobles, Daniel Carn P P Q [blank] P T Q Samuel Heath, Hezekiah Peck, P D Q Graham Coltrin, Tarleton Lewis Joseph B Nobles El. W. Woodruff called on the choir to sing, "The morning breaks the shadows flee" W. W. Phelps made prayer to God the Etl Fa[the]r. the choir sung [blank]. W. Woodruff rose & cdalled the atn [attention] of our friends to some of the words of Solomon for a start he sd "there was a time for all things &c I did not expect to have had the priv[ilege] of ag[ai]n meeting with u & this is probly the last time in this place ther never was a ppl since the found[atio]n of the world that [h]av[e] been more loved & we r a ppl placed by circ[umstanc]es in a season. I don't int[en]d to talk ab[ou]t ppl who r pasd & gone. we r not the only ppl that [h]av[e] [h]ad a variety of circ[umstanc]es in consequence of our rel[igio]n. Old An[cien]t Noah went & preachd repentance & warned the world & after he had been mobbed a few yrs he went into the woods to cut timber & build him a home. so Lot was called to preach repentance to Sodom & the time came that he [h]ad to take his wife & fam[ily] & flee to Zoar. & there [h]av[e] been times w[he]n pro[phet]s av preached & av [h]ad circ[umstanc]es to do something else. the L D S [h]av[e] [h]ad time to preach to the American nat[ive]s & we [h]av[e] done it in good faith firmly bele[ivin]g that the plan & doct[rine] was the true doc[trine] to preach to this nat[io]n we preach faith bap[tism] &c which will bring prop[hecy], bel[iev]ing, gifts &c We av bele[ive]d & taut them & wat as been the consequence. we [h]av[e] labored faithfully to proclaim it & tens of thou[sands] av bele[ive]d it thru the prob[le]m of this pple many [h]av[e] gath[ere]d tog[ethe]r under the const[itutio]n of our laws & the laws of the land. we [h]av[e] [h]ad to endure privat[io]ns since the days of Cain & Abel there seems to av been a warfare agnst rec[eivin]g rev[elatio]n from God. we av been called to make a sac[rifice] of our franchise our prop[erty] &c & we av been an oppr[esse]d ppl until this morn[in]g there [h]as been a des[ire] to try to crush us under foot & try to extinguish the doct[rine] of J. C. the ppl do not know that we as a ppl av tried to harm or oppress o[the]rs but we av always ent[ere]d the aims of freedom to all to enjoy their rel[igio]n unmolested & we claim the same ri[gh]t. but av we enjoyed it? no verily no! every device as been heaped upon us but Christianity itself priest & ppl av verily tho[ugh]t they av been doing Gods service in oppress[in]g us. but there r excep[tio]ns. We av been dealt with by states & counties & officers in an unconstit[utiona]l manner. what laws can be found to expel 5000 or 10000 ppl from a state. Why have they expelld men women & chil[dren]. every man can & that ther as been an injustice to us as a ppl. we av made a sac[rifice] of our lands & prop[erty]. as a sac[rifice] we av born & forborn all this, bec we bel[ieve] in a ch[urch] of pro[phe]ts & instead men they put us to deth, but does is sho a sp[irit] of Christ[ian]ity wherever a Sta[te] of mobocracy prevails it shws that they r not influenced by the Sp[irit] of J[esus]. I shall speak to the S[ain]ts freely, after we av been scat[tere]d & treaded & driven our prop[het]s slain
Autobiography Volume 2 circa 1865
On the I received several letters one of which was from President Brigham Young from the Camp of Israel and another from Elder Elijahsha H Davis from London I went to the Temple at an early hour and found the house filled. Elder Phelps opened by prayer and I addressed the congregation ^from the words of Solmn. There is a time for all things &c^ [Ecclasiastes 3:1-8] and was followed by Elders ^Amos^ Fielding Benjamin Clap and others. This was The Last Time I Preached in the Temple of the Lord at Nauvoo.


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May 10, 1846