17th Sunday [FIGURE] This was one of the
worst days of my life or most perplexing
I had on the ground three baggage
waggons one family carriage 6 yoke
of oxen 6 cows 4 calves one yearling
& one pair of mules making 25 Head in
all I started to go to the Black jack grove
to camp but the whole care was upon myself
As soon as we started the calves and cows
all run various ways And while I was trying
to get them together the oxen broke
the tong out of my carriage After that
was mended by leaving part of our
stock we got started we had not got far
untill Father drove into A mud Hole & the
oxen mired down we put on 8 yoke of
oxen to draw the waggon out & we broke
4 chaines And had to dig the waggon
out at last we finally got camped at
black jack grove And I was vary weary
at night 4 miles
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