Day in the Life

Aug 12, 1846

Journal Entry

August 12, 1846 ~ Wednesday

12th I spent A vary ^busy^ day in building a fence
for our cattle for about 150 head Also in
looking up cattle I met in council with
the Twelve. We also had A public meeting
of company No 1 in the Hollow square when
the whole encampment was Numberd
divided into Eleven divisions. my company
was the Tenth division. The following is a copy
or form of the copy copy of my division
Addressed as follows Aug 12th 1846
Cutlers Park Commeybor ^Omaho^ Nation

The roll or memorandom of the men & boys,
No of waggons, Horses, oxen, cows, Mules, & sheep,
belonging to the tenth division

Wilford Woodruff Capt
John S Fowler Clerk

The sum total of the tenth division is as follows
36 men = 33 waggons = 9 Horses = 129 oxen 58 cows
4 Mules & 40 sheep

Sum total of President Youngs encampment
co No. 1 of Eleven divisions 324 Men, 359 waggons
146 Horses, 1264 oxen, 828 cows, 49 Mules
416 sheep

Sum Total of President Kimballs encampment
co No 2 of divisions. 22215 Men
20830 waggons 83 Horses 741 oxen 105
young cattle. 340 cows 244 sheep

Sum Total of the whole camp of Israel
1 & 2nd companies who were together at the
time of the enrolement 549 men 597
waggons 229 Horses, 2110 oxen, 1168 cows
[FIGURE] 49 Mules, 660 sheep

We had a shower of rain in the night the first
we have had for several weeks


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Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 29 Aug 1877
3468 mentions
Apostle, Family
Kimball, Heber Chase
14 Jun 1801 - 22 Jun 1868
1463 mentions


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Autobiography Volume 2 circa 1865
Cutlers Park Omaha Nation The roll or memorandum of the men and boys; number of waggons horses oxen cows mules and sheep belonging to the Tenth Division Wilford Woodruff captain John S. Fowler Clerk The sum total of the Tenth Division: 36 men, 33 waggons, 9 horses 129 oxen, 58 cows, 4 mules and 40 sheep. Total of President Youngs Encampment. Company N 1 of Eleven Divisions, 324 men, 359 waggons 146 horses, 1264 oxen 828 cows, 49 mules and 416 sheep


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Aug 12, 1846