26th Early in the morning before the break of day 2 Indians
crept upon their Hands & knees Approaching the camp to
steal some Horses they got within 3 rods of the guard before
they were discoverd. they first thought them to be wolves
& snaped ^at^ them they rose up & run & two of the guard fired
at them & 4 others rose up out of the grass making 6 in
all the bugle was sounded And all arose up to arms not know-
ing but there was A large party nearby but we saw
no more. I started out in the morning with the Hunters
we saw 8 deer 4 Antelope but caught nothing we
travled 8 miles & camped for noon, on the opposite
side of the river we saw through our glasses the
relicks of an old Indian town. we saw 8 trails
leading to it with 6 & 8 abrest each in the afternoon
we travled we travled 7 miles & camped on clear
creek with a hard gravel bottom the first one
of the kind we had met with on the road. we
killed one wild goose & saw fresh Buffalo signs
whare we camped this was the first signs of the kind
we had seen on the road. the travels to day was like
a level desert except except the dividing ridge between
the two rivers the grass was dry & sandy mostly level
& nearly without water we travled to day from 10 to 20 degrees
west of south we camped under a High Bluff in a half moon Brs
Young, Kimball, Richard's, & myself went on to a high Bluff to view
the country yust [just] at dusk A tremendious alarm was given thro-
ugh the camp that Indians had cralled up & taken Porter
Rockwell & his horse & made off with him many men mou-
nted there Horses & made off with ^after^ him with all speed but
it was soon discoverd that Rockwell was in the camp but
two Horses were gone Dr Richards & Br Littles [and] about 20
men mounted & armed went in search of the Horses But found
them not it was believed the Indians took off the Horses 15 miles
distance of the day. Lat of this place is 41° 17' 21"
Barometer 28.445 inch Attached Ther[mometer] 85° detached Ther 87° S.S.W. wind fair
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