Day in the Life

Apr 28, 1847

Journal Entry

April 28, 1847 ~ Wednesday

28th at 6 1/2 At 6 1/2 A.M. Bar. stood at 27.968. Attached Ther.
59°.5 detached Ther. 60° wind N.N.E. fair A Plesant
morning 160 miles from the Patt River on Plain kreek we travled
to grand Island & camped on its banks for nooning I went
out with the Hunters caught Nothing but one wolf & a goose
in the Afternoon we travled 6 miles & camped on wood
formed a circle put our Horses inside & had good defense
we saw many deer in the afternoon run across on the Island
President Young thought it not prudent to travel up the
Island Hunting lest we get into an Indian Ambush 15 m[iles]


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Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 29 Aug 1877
3469 mentions
Apostle, Family


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Apr 28, 1847