Day in the Life

Jun 1, 1847

Journal Entry

June 01, 1847 ~ Tuesday

June 1st 1847 A fine pleasant morning. I had suffered much
from the tooth Ake of late. I went, before starting on the journey
to Luke Johnson A dentist & got my tooth part of it dug out is &
broke of[f] & left the stump in my Jaw which pained me through
the day we travled 6 miles & mnooned whare we had but
little feed. we travled in the Afternoon [blank] miles & camped on
the bank of the platt opposite of Fort Laramie within
1 1/2 miles of the fort. when we arived we saw some men
Approaching us from the fort when they arived on the
bank we found them to be a part of the company of
the Missisippi Brethren who had been to Pueblo through
the winter, Brother Crow & his family 7 waggons & 14 souls
were the individuals who were at the fort they soon stood upon
the bank of the river we lanced [launched] our boat & crossed the stream to them
several of the brethren went over to them Among whom was Br Brown
that led up the same company to this place last year, they were truly glad
to meet, No one can imagin the joy of friends on meeting each other
under such circumstances Away from the Abodes of white
men whare they are ownly visited by savages. Br Crow came across
& met in council with us. And informed us that the remainder
of the Missippi company with the portion of the Mormon Battalion that
was at Pueblo would start for Laramie About the first of June
& follow our trail onto Calafornia. He informed us of 4 of the breth-
ren who had died one of which was Arnold Stephens, Had herd
nothing of the main body of the Battalion. He soon returned home
& the camp met together. President Young suggested the propriety
of our leaving all our plows at the fort except such as we
should want to use immediately when we got there, to do up our Black-
smithing, Burning coal, mending waggons &c As soon as possible
so that we could go on our Journey as spedily as possible. A
company was Appointed to do herding & to attend to all these branches
of business, we then retired to rest I Am quite unwell &
have been for several days I have canker in the mouth, bleed at
the noose, do not rest well nights distance of the day 12 m


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Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 29 Aug 1877
3469 mentions
Apostle, Family
Johnson, Luke
3 Nov 1807 - 8 Dec 1861
74 mentions
Crow, Robert
1794-abt. 1876


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Autobiography Volume 2 circa 1865
opposite Fort Laramie. This was st. When we arrived we saw some men approaching us from the Fort and found them to be a part of the company of Missisippi brethren who had been to Pueblo through the Winter. Brother Crow and his family 7 waggons and 14 souls were the persons who were at Fort Laramie. He informed us that the remainder of the Missisippi company with the portion of the Mormon Battalion at Pueblo would start from Laramie about the 1st of June and follow our trail; told us of 4 of the brethren who had died and had heard nothing of the main body of the Battalion President Young suggested the propriety of of our leaving all our ploughs at the Fort except such as we need to use immediately when we got to our destination and also to do our blacksmithing mending waggons &c as soon as possible so that we might go on our journey speedily. A company company was appointed to attend to the herding and these branches of business.


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Jun 1, 1847