Day in the Life

Jun 12, 1847

Journal Entry

June 12, 1847 ~ Saturday

12th I started in the morning to go forward in company
with Br A. P. Rockwood who was riding President Young
stud when suddenly he sprung upon my horse but
instead of striking my horse he took my knee into his
Jaw & bruised me considerable sunk one tooth to
the bone through three thicknesses of clothing &
one of them buck skin G A Smith & myself then
rode on to the ferrying ground & found our detachment ferrying
over the Missouri Company they paid the Brethren
$1.50 cts per each waggon & load, & paid in flour at $2.50
per cwt, generally flour is considerd worth at the forts through
this country at least $10 per cwt. It was difficult getting
over the river they carried the goods over in a boat &
drew the waggons over by hand with ropses but when the
curant struck them they would freequently rool several
times over in the watter & smash their bows out they also
came near drowning their Horses And one man would have
been lost if the brethren had not picked him out with
the boat, we saw also on the road whare the company had
a run away of their teams A Horse came runing among them
& frightened their oxen And they all started to run two
run up onto A bank & turned both waggons over with
women & children in & bruised them much, smashed Jars
crockery, dishes, boxes & sundrys to peaces. one team run
into the river & would probably have drowned & lost all
had not A little boy Jumped out beside the off ox which
frightend him & He out run the other hawed off & run
onto a sand bar He However kicked the boy against the
wheel & the wheel knocked [him] down into the water which
hurt him, but the scene ended without any loss of life.

The Blacksmiths had been to work for the Missouri Company
got flour money &c the company of 5 traiders had campd
near the brethren. Our hunters had been busily engaged in
getting game, they had killed 5 fat buffalo 4 Bear one
old she bear & 3 cubs, & shot at 2 griselly bear but did not
get them those killed were the black bear. Saw A plenty of
Antiope deer Elk & Mountain sheep the mountains near
us Abound with Bear & other game I found some buffalo meat
the Hunters were not agoing to save, so I cut out of the hump
of A Buffalo about 40 lbs of good fat stake & spread it
to dry Also tryed out about 8 lbs of good tallow

I visited the traiders camp they also was drying fine fat
Buffalo, one of the bears feet that was killed measured
7 1/2 inches long 5 inch wide 2 1/2 inch thick two toe nails 2 3/4 inch
long 3/4 inch wide. Our Hunters brought into camp 8 Antilope
the camp came up & camped within one mile of the ferry ground
in good feed had travled 11 1/4 miles 11 1/4 m


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Rockwood, Albert Perry
9 Jun 1805 - 26 Nov 1879
Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 29 Aug 1877
3468 mentions
Apostle, Family
Smith, George Albert
26 Jun 1817 - 1 Sep 1875
1442 mentions
Apostle, Missionary


Browse places mentioned in Wilford Woodruff's journal entry on this day. Click on the place names to view other pages where they are mentioned.


View selected quotes from this page in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Br Young who spoke upon the liberty of the gospel, showed what it done for us, saved us daily, exhaulted us to glory immortality & eternal life brought us evry good thing, but in doing this it did not do away with the law of God or the dictation of the Almighty Some thought they wanted their liberty to curse, swear, stray whare they were a mind to, run over the mountains, not regard the laws & rules of the Camp, but would that be liberty, not it would lead to death & not life, the man that left the camp & went to the mountains last night, had he have met a bear he would have had the liberty to have run for his cli life, clumb a tree or been destroyed The way to worship God the most acceptable is to do each day the vary things that will bring the most good to the human family
~ Brigham Young
Saints if faithful though they should suffer some privations here will ultimately inherit the earth & increase in dominion power & glory untill the Lord shall say to them, go to now make your thousands of worlds & people them & make such laws to govern them as you are a mind to for I Know you have no disposition to make any laws but those that are good, for you always desired to do good on the earth
~ Brigham Young
O Pratt who exhorted us to give head to the teaching we had herd & to improve our time in treasuring up usful knowledge that we ought not to spend a moments time needlessly.
~ Orson Pratt


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Jun 12, 1847