Day in the Life

Jul 10, 1847

Journal Entry

July 10, 1847 ~ Saturday

10th I felt quite feeble this morning but felt that my fever was broke
we travled up & down some of the steepest Hills we have found on the
Journey & the longest, we passed through A valley 6th, miles long grass knee
deep strong mineral springs, Any amount of copper, lead, & coal, & lime &
great stone on each side of the valley it is an 18 mile drive without water
that can be drank there are a number of springs in the valley but
they run through mineral beds And are not good to drink, we camped
for the night 1 1/2 miles from bear River, by the best spring of water
we had found on the route & A small stream near by. An Indian
came from Bridgers fort & travled with us & camped with us for the
night, camp fires were discoverd about 3 miles from our camp G. A. S
& others went over to them, And found it to be Mr Miles Goodyier
& several others with him some were from Calafornia going ba[c]k
to the States. Mr Goodyier goes by the name of Miles though it is
his Christian name He has setled at the Salt lake has A garding &
vegitation of all kinds He says doing well. He spoke of 3 rodes
to the Lake, & talked about the country the Missourian that wa[s]
going to the States came through the 80 miles drive without wate[r]
or grass had to leave 5 of his mules on the road, could not get
[page covered] [his] own through, this is on the Calafornia road. The subject w

was brought up again concerning the emigrant company who pe[rished]
in the Mountains last winter they were mostly from Independance
Clay County Missouri And were A mob company & threatned to drive
out the mormons that were in Calafornia & started for Calafornia with
that spirit in there hearts but it seemed as though they were ripe for
Judgement the snows fell upon them 18 feet deep on a level & they
died & eat up each other about 40 persons perished & were mostly
eat up by those who survived them Mrs L Murphy of Tenn whom
I Baptized while on a mishion in that country but since Apostitized
& joined the mob was in the company, died or was killed & eat up
her bones sawed to peaces for her branes & marrow & left strewed
upon the ground

distance of the day 18 miles
whole distance from Bridgers fort to Bear River 32 1/2 miles

Br Luce was taken vary sick this Afternoon there are new cases daily
It is vary severe but does not generalal last the brethren more than 2 or
3 days.

Three griselly bear were seen by the brethren to day some
were within A few rods of them dut they made of & did not give
battle which they are more Apt to do than any other bear


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Smith, George Albert
26 Jun 1817 - 1 Sep 1875
1443 mentions
Apostle, Missionary
Luce, John Grant
20 Sep 1817 - 28 Mar 1881
12 mentions
Maine Mission
11 mentions
1835 Southern Convert

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Autobiography Volume 2 circa 1865
the th 1 1/2 miles from Bear River by the best stream of water we had found on the route and a small stream near by ; and We had travelled this day up and down steep hills and passed through a valley six miles long grass knee deep strong mineral springs copper lead coal and lime Camp fires were discovered about 3 miles from our camping ground and Georg A Smith and others went over to them and found it to be a Mr Miles Gooydyier. He had settled at Salt Lake and had a garden and vegitation he said doing well. Several Missourians were with with him going to the States. The subject was brought up concerning the emigrant company who perished in the Mountains last Winter They were mostly from Indipendaence and Clay counties Missouri and were a mob company that threatened to drive out the Mormons who were in California and started with that spirit in their hearts. But it seemed as though they were ripe for judgement. The snows fell upon them 18 feet deep on a level and they died and eat up each other. About 40 persons perished and were mostly eaten up by those who survived them. Mrs L. Murphy of Tenn. whom I


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Jul 10, 1847