Day in the Life

Jul 16, 1847

Journal Entry

July 16, 1847 ~ Friday

16th I took Brs Young & Rockwood into my carriage & drove on
with the camp 6 1/2 miles & nooned in the same valley which we nam
ed Mathews vale we travled in the Afternoon 9 1/2 miles with per-
pendicular rocks on one side & steep Bluffs on the other thousands
of feet high we had a bad road for the sick to travel in &
wearied Br Young out & He was sick at night. for several mil[es] [text faded]
on the North side of the road we discoverd A dark substance
runing out of the holes of the rocks which congeled it had
some the Appearance of gum myrr or opeum ownly it was
hard & bitter As Allows we could could discover it for
10 miles ain places along on the rocks distance of the day 16 m
I went to webers fork 1 miles from our encampment & coug[ht] [text faded]
one trout for Br Young


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Rockwood, Albert Perry
9 Jun 1805 - 26 Nov 1879
Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 29 Aug 1877
3468 mentions
Apostle, Family


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Jul 16, 1847