Day in the Life

Jan 16, 1848

Journal Entry

January 16, 1848 ~ Sunday

16th Sunday I took my wife & children into my carriage
& crossed the river on the ice And rode to the Log tabernacle
to Attend the meeting, which opened at 11 oclock there being present
B. Young G. A. Smith & W Woodruff of the Twelve. G A Smith
opened the meeting by prayer And W Woodruff addressed
the assembly upon the subject of their being one in all things
& the gathering of Israel, Building up of Zion, &c. And was
followed by President Young who made many good rema
rks A single key with teeth to the right He said the Lord would give his spirit to teach and instruct
from the private member to the President of the Church, but
he will never give any man or woman his spirit to dictate
& direct his file leader, He related an anacdote of A female
runing A race upon a great wager lost it by stoping on the way
to pick up A Jewel.

He said truly that if we were not one we
were not the Lords.

In speaking of the duties of the Priesthood
He said if this people holding the Priesthood should settle down
& go to cultivating the earth & entirely neglect the preaching
of the gospel the earth would open & swallow them up &
Hide them from his sight.

The whole day & evening
was taken up in teaching & council


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Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 29 Aug 1877
3471 mentions
Apostle, Family
Smith, George Albert
26 Jun 1817 - 1 Sep 1875
1446 mentions
Apostle, Missionary
Woodruff, Phebe Whittemore Carter
8 Mar 1807 - 10 Nov 1885
1586 mentions


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every thing that is calcula ted to fill the soul with Joy is ordained of God
~ Brigham Young

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Discourse 1848-01-16
W. Woodruff was called on by Prest to addres u[s]. I need your prayers that I ma[y] speak by the sp of the Ld for the sp[irit] of the L[or]d [knows] was where the ppl need better than I do, & when I teach S[ain]ts or sinners Jew or Gentile I need the power of one to speak, & especially when called upon to speak bef[ore] S[ain]ts at Head Quars [Quarters]. I hope my friends will give me their prayers. it is an important time with us, the world & the Genn [Generation] among which we live & many things we reflect on at present time. We [are] living in a time when the fulfillment of important propecies must be fulfilled, & the destructive ^judg[men]ts^ over the world. the Revr [Revelator] John declared the Hour of Gods judgment hath come its beginning to be poured out on the world. the honest in heart embrace the work & we [have] not yet perfected the work for we [have] deal to do while the nations [are] falling down. the pouring out of judgmts of God [are] taking place, but many [are] embracing the work. We [have] [had] very cheering vi[si]t from El[der] Shauer [in] England stating they [have] bap[tize]d 6 or 8000, & the distress of nation is dispursing. never was greater prosperity in this land than when this work was bro[ugh]t. there things [are] but a presentation of what is to be. We [have] enough to reflect & meditate upon, in some sense with a realizing nwledge [knowledge] of what we [have] to do. howly s[piri]t is ripening in the world to destr[ucti]on. Babylon the Great is being disunited, the elements [are] at war with each o[the]r, the ppl [are] at war with each o[the]r. the S[ain]ts ought to be united in all things if the s[piri]t that guides us does not lead us to union it is not rit s[piri]t. this s[piri]t ought to continually grow & guide us what we [have] to do & we ought not to stop to enquire what will be the effects of each set act. if you [have] the L[or]d with you & you get to work to accomplish a work. God will be with you & we will be able to accomplish the greatest work ever yet performed. as El of Is we ought to be united as one man & then you can raise one Alm[ighty] wheel, but if we block the wheel we attempt to forstall his work. Immortality & great works bring to pass many things. We ought to make up our minds to sac[rifice] our own private int[erest] when it comes in contact with the work of the L[or]d, a great many men stand in their own Illegible. the int[erest] of this ppl is to build up the K [kingdom] of God. if you stay the hands of the L[or]d you hold yourself up, but if we get divided in duties we weaken ourselves in building up the K [kingdom] of God on the Earth. the prin[ciple] of union we must study & practice to enjoy the blessgs in store for us in the last days. in the continuation of this work we [have] [had] sp[irit] & powers in oppo[sitio]n to God to contend with & for the warning of the ppl to clean our garments of their blood it is a glorious work & no man can do his duty with[ou]t avg [having] some sacrifices to make. if we unite our hearts tog[ethe]r & let our hearts, religion, mind, & leaders be one & we shall carry off a mighty work & then the L[or]d wil not require any thing of us for our best good if God wants us to go the valley let not our teams be an hindrance. if he wants us to preach dont let us whine & sa[y] we want to go to valley. man does not lose any thing by keeping the commandments of God. let us unite our hearts tog[ethe]r & let those attributes which control the heaven be with us. let his mercy, justice love & union be one with each. the ancient prophets had to be united & the LDS can't be one until they [are] united, & if you show me a ppl of this desc[riptio]n I will show you a ppl that [are] not far from God. Jesus appointed meeting on Earth with the ppl & he came to teach them, angels administered & little chil[dren] were encircled in fire. We [have] got to come to this we [have] got to come as one ppl mind & sp[irit], & its your priv[ilege] to [have] these blessgs, to [have] the heavens opened to you. We must humble ourselves bef[ore] God repent of our sins, let him prove us awhile & you will find that we shall enjoy these blessings but we [are] not sufficiently humble prayerful & faithful. I [k]no[w] the [blank] & of the L[or]d is over us. let us as a ppl unite our hearts tog[ethe]r & when the L[or]d tells us to do any thing let us do it. a great many men & women never pray. do you go before the L[or]d & pra[y]. this is a duty & commandment from the L[or]d. if we break this commandment how can we prosper. every man & woman is accountable for the way they train up their children, &c &c. what will be the condtn [condition] of men, when the judgments [are] on them. who [h]as got to warn them, it is you, ye El of Israel. you [have] to save your living & your dead & to magnify your calling. it mattereth not what your duty is wher [whenever] preaching, building a temple or what not. by & by the voice of the L[or]d will sa[y] have not I warned you by my servts by my lightnings & judgm[ents]? by & by we shall see thousands coming to the cities of Zion, with their gold & silver. by & by the 10 tribes will come forth. the Jews will be gathered home in fulfilment of what has been given them while you [are] fulfilling what has been given you to do. We [have] [h]ad the opposition of the world, & priests,
Autobiography Volume 2 circa 1865
From to the end of


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Jan 16, 1848