Day in the Life

Jan 18, 1848

Journal Entry

January 18, 1848 ~ Tuesday

18th The fore part of this day was Also spent in teaching
& giving council, the Twelve occupied most of the time
Two petitions were presented to the meetings for signitures
one for A county in the Potawattame tract of land in Iowa
And the other for A Post Office And the People were signing
them daily Br Henry Miller and others were appointed to go to
the Legislature of the State of Iowa to petition for the county &
$30 were raised by the people ^to^ bear their expenses many interesting
speaches were made by the people

The afternoon & evening of this day was Also spent in singing
music & danceing, And at the close of the evening this
congregation were dismissed & other branches of the Church
were to take it tomorrow as all could not get into the House
at the same time


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Miller, Henry William
1 May 1807 - 9 Oct 1885


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Letter from Orson Spencer, 18 January 1848
Liverpool Dear Pres. Wilford Woodruff Having learnt by a Letter received yesterday from Pres. Brigham Young dated Nov. 25th that you with the greater part of your Quorum had returned to Winter Quarters, I resolved to Seize, (not a favorable moment for writing to you,) but rather a forced capture of some fleeting moments to fulfill my promise & delight in the matter. It cheers my heart to learn that you have become sound enough to make a visit of two thousand miles over the mountains in one season in company with so many of your beloved Quorum. All in health & increased strength I say to glory to God for this glorious & successful but arduous expedition of the Latter Day Liberators! This expedition will constitute a new epoch in the annals of the everlasting kingdom, that will be conspicuous for worlds to come for the energy enterprize & indefatigable endurance of the performance The results of this expedition are endlessly by praiseworthy and glorious. I shall now venture to tell the British Saints and the Nations of Europe that Zion is established That their eye may look upon her that is to be the joy of the whole earth & and an eternal excellency." Beautiful for Situation is that place. The mountains are round about the fat valley of the great basin


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Jan 18, 1848