Day in the Life

Feb 3, 1848

Journal Entry

February 03, 1848 ~ Thursday

3rd I attended A feast prepared by the defenders of Nauvoo or those
who were in the Battle of Nauvoo most of those who composed
the assembly were individuals who were in that memoriable
Action it was ascerted that there was not more than 100 saints
at any one time in the fight while the mob that was fighting
agaist the Saints numbered from 800 to 1000 and their was
but three of the Saints killed and one or two slightly wounded
while there was several waggon loads of the mob killed & many
wounded & the enemy driven from the field, but the Lord
was with the Saints & saved their lives. The Saints wore a
read badge on the left arm to distinguish them from their
enemies in the battle, they wore the same to day at the feast at
the opening of the performences President Kimball deliverd an
Address upon the subject of the Battle of Nauvoo & was followed
by Col Johnson, After which their was feasting singing music &
some dancing. A figure was got up called the Battle of Nauvoo
whiched was danced & the Saints felt to praise the Lord for
their deliverance


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Kimball, Heber Chase
14 Jun 1801 - 22 Jun 1868
1463 mentions


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Autobiography Volume 2 circa 1865
On the . those who were in the battle of Nauvoo held a feast to commemorate the event. President Young ^Kimball^ addressed the company upon the subject of the battle and was followed by Col Johnson after which there wasere feasting singing instrumental music and dancing In the battle it appeared from what was stated there were only 100 Mormons against 800 to a 1000 of the mob. There were only three of the brethren killed and one or two slightly wounded while there were several waggon loads of the mob killed and many wounded and the enemy driven from the field. The brethren wore a red badge on the left arm to distinguishe them from their enemies enemies They wore the same red badge to day at the feast. Orson Hyde returned from the East in the middle of the month. We also heard of the welfare and success of the mission of Cap. Dan Jones in Wales in spite of the fact that nearly the whole of that country was stirred up against him.


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Feb 3, 1848