Day in the Life

Mar 17, 1848

Journal Entry

March 17, 1848 ~ Friday

17th March 1848 I spent the day at home I attended a
council of much importance in the evening The captain of
the Policee with two others who were members of the Seventies
were brought before the Presidency of the Seventies for Assault
& Batterry & swearing There was present but three of the
Presidents of the Seventies, But the High Council was present Also
President Young & W Woodruff it was agreed by the parties to try
the case before the High Council, which was filled up And the charges
read, the defendants did not exactly plead guilty so the testimony
was heard on both sides & it was proven there was a fight between
them & swearing. The Plaintiff opened the subject called witne-
sses who testifyed The defendants spoke & bore their testimony the
Plaintiff then made his plea & also his councillor the defendants
then made their plea Also their councellor.

Then President
Young arose And addressed the council in an interesting manner
the following is an extract of the clerks munites of the Presidents
speech. If all parties are willing I will now make some remarks
there are a good many item pertaining to this case. 1st it was to be
brought before the President of the 70, But they did not pro
fess to have any Jurisdiction in the case ownly in the trial of
their membership but not as A peace officer. But the High
council can sit as a municipal court & try them for Church
fellowship and for a breach of duty as A Poliece officer is it supp-
osed that A public officer cannot do wrong wrong I do not
think so & when they do wrong they should be reproved as
well as any other person, I shall speak my mind without
any regard to parties favor or affection this I always calculate
to do whether I gain friends or foes I have plenty of enemies
But I dont ask any favors of them I will not be turned for
a moment out of the course of right & justice if it cuts my
throat. I shall tell the truth. some who have pled this cause dar[e]
not tell all the truth, if Mr Hill did tantilize the policee they had
no business to fall upon him & beat him. I have known Br Hill
for fifteen years He is given to rough uncouth conversation
and tantalizing mens feelings, And He wont Apostitize neither
Let me reason the case I am a teacher I often officiat in that
capacity. For instance Hosea Stout says that for 8 years He has
had A catalogue of names in his own mind of those who would
Apostitize and as yet he had not been mistakened If A man under-
stands the things of God, He knows well that every Saint of
God ifs followed up through life by the powers of Hell, of the devil
of temptation, & of evry snare that can be invented on the earth
to make him Apostitize, loose his glory & crown, this I understand
If I see a man doing wrong or is any way faltering If I take a course
to make him believe that he will fall does not that at once weake[n]
his faith & disarm him of power to stand? it does, dont I see things
as well as the Police I do And if I saw A man that I knew
would fall I would not tell him so but would try to save him
as well as I could that when he did go my garments would be
clear before God & he could not rise in Judgment against me
I am here to save both Br Hosea & Hill but not to destroy them
we are here to the policee as policee And to inquire into their
conduct as Elders. Has not Isaac Hill been afflicted and maimed
who sent Hosea Stout to take Isaac Hill as A Prisioner Nobody

was there disorder. I will admit Isaac Hill was out of ordor
to go into a store in the mids of a contention & undertake to tantili-
ze a mans feelings while He was in anger under pretence of reproving
him for swearing A far better way would have been for him to have
waited untill He was calm & composed & took him one side & in a
friendly manner said Br Hosea I think your course in the store was
not calculated to dignify your office as captain of the policee and as
A member of the Seventies He would then have recieved it vary
different from what He did. I know it is natural for Br Hill to tan-
talize, But that is no excuse for Br Hosea Stout to fight him, He should
have said I am A peace maker And magnifyed his office with dignity
& honor but instead of that He desended to the spirit of a tantilizer
& fell to fighting & swearing. Policeemen should be men of more noble
minds than to desend to such things, or suffer their spirits to mingle
with such low degrading things. Hosea Stout did desend to anger &
swearing which was disgraceful to a Policee man And men that
will practice such things are not fit for policeeman I know the
policeemen here are not Just right for they will get together for
hours together make fun, toll tales, drick whiskey & get drunk and
that is why they are so angry all the while, And they dont pray
when they come together if they did when they saw fighting &
contention they would do as John Lytle did when he parted Stout
& Hill says He (as he steped between them & shoved one one way & the
other the other way) get out of the way stop your fighting I am a peace
maker & wont have it. I never struck a man in my life though
I have parted many who were fighting I never saw the day but that
I thought myself to good to strike a man. Now to the Policee I sawy
stop your baldadash pray with each other now if I have not told
the truth tell me of it. I mean to reprove the Policee if we dont
get better men in the valley I will vote against them, they have
confessed they are angry I want to see the Police officiate in their office
without getting angry if they do not they disgrace their office. I
know how Brother Hosea Stout feels concerning the spirits that murdered
the Prophets & still hang around us, but dont you know that devils
are going to the mountains as well as Saints, we have some of the mea
nest spirits among us on earth the net has halled in good and bad
And I am watching them continually, And we have some of the
best men with us that swear that are guilty of crime yet they wou-
ld lay down their lives for us & for this cause, there are others who
will not gather with the Saints because they think the Church is not pure
enough for them & they think themselves vary pure & will wait untill
the Saints get pure Holy & righteous & during all this time they will
live with the world in the midst of wickedness of every kind & think
it all well. We have good men & bad men among us, but if I see a bad
man or good man that needs reproof I will give it to him but will
I go into a store & strike A man? no would it make him any better? No
but we should be saviors benevolent & kind & imitate the example
of the Savior. men ignorantly fan the flame of mobocracy I have
feelings about it, And often say cut his infernal throat still I do not me-
an any such thing I am not good enough to do such A thing. The God of
was A God of war when Israel went over the read sea & the
enemies followed the Lord commanded the waters to overflow them
And it obeyed when I get good enough then I can fight to If I have
power to command the elements. Isaac Hill ought to have known better
than to have done as he did He is no more fit for a High Priest than
The policee are for their office, when they were by themselves He

should have told him of it quietly is it not so Isaac (Isaac yes) I am
not going to decide the case that is for the High Council to do
Br Cutler arose made A speach & gave his decision. Both parties rec[ie] [page covered]
ved their reproof made their confession which was excepeted Presiden[t] [page covered]
Young said good would grow out of it council Adjourned


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Cutler, Alpheus
29 Feb 1784 - 10 Jun 1864
Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 29 Aug 1877
3458 mentions
Apostle, Family
Stout, Hosea
18 Sep 1810 - 2 Mar 1889


Browse places mentioned in Wilford Woodruff's journal entry on this day. Click on the place names to view other pages where they are mentioned.


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Mar 17, 1848