Day in the Life

Apr 8, 1848

Journal Entry

April 08, 1848 ~ Saturday

8th Saturday morning Robert Petty addressed the brethren who
were going with him as teamsters for the U S A meeting opened by
singing and Prayer. After which the meeting was Addressed for
one hour and a half by W. Woodruff who spoke upon the duties of
the Saints exhorted them to faithfulness And spoke with the spirit
& power of God Addressed the Brethren who were going as team-
sters, spoke of the judgments which awaited the world, & the
gifts & graces of the Church And a variety of subjects, was
followed by Father Morley who made good remarks upon educating
children he said he would not command his children to do any thing
if they would do it without &c Adjourned one hour

Meeting opened by singing & Prayer. The meeting was then addressed
by O Pratt who spoke upon the trials of the Saints that these things
will work for our good that we had not been tried in prosperity
& hoped we should not be untill we were able to bear it He spoke
of the education of our children and many useful remarks
were made. Hail ye mighty men of Israel. Father Cutler addressed
the meeting And also spoke unto edifycation said it was the best
day he ever saw. Was followed by O Hyde. We had preaching
in the evening By Brs Campbell, Clapp, Hyde Young & others we
had a good meeting.


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Cutler, Alpheus
29 Feb 1784 - 10 Jun 1864
Clapp, Benjamin Lynn
19 Aug 1814 - 21 Oct 1865
141 mentions
1835 Southern Convert
Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 29 Aug 1877
3458 mentions
Apostle, Family
Morley, Isaac
11 Mar 1786 - 24 Jun 1865
Hyde, Orson
8 Jan 1805 - 28 Nov 1878
696 mentions
Pratt, Orson
19 Sep 1811 - 3 Oct 1881
1085 mentions
Campbell, Robert Lang
21 Jan 1825 - 11 Apr 1874
122 mentions

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Discourse 1848-04-08
W. Woodruff spoke & felt it to be an important time to be at conf[erence], &c. we av now got to go abroad, to sep[arate]. When we met at head Quarters & drank at the head fountains of the water of life. I consider we ou[gh]t to improve the pres[en]t time & treasure up the things as furniture in our minds. when I look at the world, see the signs of the times, we av something to do we cant sit at our ease in the Valley. [Pat C.o] or elsewhere his Sp[irit]t is moved upon to go out into the vineyard. Our apos[tle] [h]as got to magnify his calling. if he doesn't magnify his talent the blood of men will be required at [illegible] [illegible]. I feel it to move me to make the sac[rifice] for the last 16 yrs popular applause will not change me to da[y], but [h]ad ra[the]r settle down in peace at home. When we realize that all creation groans & all the heavenly host r looking down upon the Earth & us that the nations r doomed to meet those things. their eyes r not open to see it. they feel something is the matter. our men r called to preach salvation will there not be a great responsibility resting upon us. I realize that these [refreshing times] will be [farther] between than they av been. We av to spend many years in the viney[ar]d bef[ore] we can return. you may present events & cry it aloud to the nations of the Earth they look upon it as foolish. the ante diluvian were interested in the preaching of one man, yet only 8 souls bel[ieve]d. they prepared an ark. & were saved. what can be the feelings of the Messiah bef[ore] the fall of the Jews. we feel it & see it & comprehend it in some degree. it opens a field for reflection. the joy wo[ul]d be very great, but we cant comprehend it. We av got a long time to spend. this Ch[urch] has been wandering 18 yrs driven from our houses & lands. it seems long. admitt[in]g it should be 100 yrs bef[ore] the Savr comes. it wo[ul]d be as quick as the raising from the d[ea]d. & I sometimes marvel the L[or]d [h]as suff[ere]d us to so short a time to prepare for so long eternity. we [have] got to live as long as our Fa[the]r. having but to spend a da[y] at [a] time we shall get there with it. it stands us to be faithful & to be subject to our Heavenly Fat[he]r so long as we live here. it is too late in the da[y] to try to back out in the things that we r engaged in. the moment we stop serving God who [h]as done every thing in his power we r undutiful chil[dren]. & we injure ourselves. Where the Jews any better to sustain the trials than Christ was. but when Jerusalem fell they went down to destru[ctio]n with[ou]t a ra[y] of hope to sustain them. We av a hope which the world av not. altho we av to wander on the prairies & in the wilderness & eat corn Dodger we shall av the victory while judgments r over the land. Where is the consolat[i]on to those who av driven them out. when pestilence & famine put in for their


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Apr 8, 1848