Day in the Life

Apr 11, 1848

Journal Entry

April 11, 1848 ~ Tuesday

[page torn] [1]1th A single key with teeth to the left During the day we were visited by three messengers direct
[FIGURE] from the city of the great salt lake they were from the
mormon Battallion had spent two months in the valley
Brought A large package of letter from the valley they left the last
of Jan. the most of the winter was in November & December the winter
broke the middle of Jan grass was 4 inch high Horses mules & sheep
were fat And cattle had done well the Saints had put in 1500
acres of wheat & calculate to double the amount they have found
the best of lime & clay for evry kind of ware every thing seemed
prosperous there had been 10 deaths in all in the camp And many
births Father Woodruff had been quite sick but had got well again
I spent the evening with Br Richards reading letters


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Woodruff, Aphek, b. 1779
11 Nov 1779 - 28 May 1861
579 mentions
Richards, Willard
24 Jun 1804 - 11 Mar 1854
541 mentions


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Autobiography Volume 2 circa 1865
During the we were visited by three messengers direct from the City of the Great Salt Lake City. They were of the Mormon Batallion had spent two months in the Valley and had brought a large packet of letters for us. They left the last of January. The mildness of the Winter this year in


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Apr 11, 1848