Day in the Life

May 8, 1848

Journal Entry

May 08, 1848 ~ Monday

8th I packed up the following Bread stuff for Father Woodruff
forwarded By Br Benbow Sister Edwards goes with it flour 150, C[orn] Meal 60
Rye meal 32, Rusk 69, meal & shorts 22.

The Otoe chiefs with many of the tribe called at winter
to pay A visit A fat Beef was sent tdown to them
they have behaved much more honorable toward us than the
Omahas have.


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Woodruff, Aphek, b. 1779
11 Nov 1779 - 28 May 1861
579 mentions
Benbow, John
1 Apr 1800 - 12 May 1874
173 mentions
1840 British Convert, United Brethren


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Autobiography Volume 2 circa 1865
tribe paid a visit to Winter Quarters on the . They had behaved themselves much more honourable towards us than the Omahas. All was bustle at Winter Quarters two days latter for a steamer had arrived and brought us flour groc[e]ries freight and baggage. On the return of the boat the same day several took passage in her among whom wasere Orson Pratt and family bound for England. President Young addressed the people on


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May 8, 1848