Day in the Life

May 14, 1848

Journal Entry

May 14, 1848 ~ Sunday

14th Sunday I met in council with the Twelve President
Young Proposed that Brs Richards and A Lyman go and leave
part of their families untill another year if they could not
get along without.

We all attended meeting at the stand
the congregation was addressed by W Woodruff & E. T. Benson
who exhorted the Saints to faithfulness & obediance & to
harken to council. President Young addressed the people
made many interesting remarks He Blessed the land of
Winter Quarters And prayed that no gentile city might
ever be permitted to settle on it. And he felt to curse some of
our enemies who was seaking our overthrow He felt to
Bless the Saints who go or stay He blessed the Potawatame
He said we never should be driven from the Potaw
mountains except by insurrections among ourselves And He had
no fears of that.


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Lyman, Amasa Mason
30 Mar 1813 - 4 Feb 1877
299 mentions
Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 29 Aug 1877
3471 mentions
Apostle, Family
Benson, Ezra Taft
22 Feb 1811 - 3 Sep 1869
379 mentions
Richards, Willard
24 Jun 1804 - 11 Mar 1854
541 mentions


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Autobiography Volume 2 circa 1865
Sunday the and among many interesting remarks he said he felt to bless the Saints who go on to the Valley or tarry at Winter Quarters. He blessed the Potawattame lands and also said that the Saints never would be driven from the Mountains except by insurrection among ourselves and he had no fears of that


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May 14, 1848