Day in the Life

Jun 14, 1848

Journal Entry

June 14, 1848 ~ Wednesday

14th I rode to G A Smith's took him into my carriage then
rode to the ferry dined with Br Bensons at night crossed
the river, to see Br Richards. Just as we landed the blowing
of the Bugle & rush to men arms & report that Indians
were coming upon the people created quite an excitement
in the place about 80 men assembled together but were in a
poor state for an attack but no indians came they were
addressed by A Lyman G. A. Smith & W Woodruff
upon the necessity of being well armed & prepared for
Indians attacks while in an Indian country the men

were required to meet evry night at sunset for drilling. the
night previous to this the Omahas came upon some Pawnees
who were in the place & fired Arrows upon them they returned
the fire with powder & ball but none killed. we returned to Br
Richards & spent the night in his carriage during the day while
the Boat went up the river to cross over the river one of the
Boatman was knocked overboard & was drowning Capt Hewit jumped
overboard to save the the man & thew would have both drowned
had not A Pawnee Jumped into the river & saved them both 14 m[iles]


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Lyman, Amasa Mason
30 Mar 1813 - 4 Feb 1877
299 mentions
Benson, Ezra Taft
22 Feb 1811 - 3 Sep 1869
379 mentions
Smith, George Albert
26 Jun 1817 - 1 Sep 1875
1443 mentions
Apostle, Missionary
Richards, Willard
24 Jun 1804 - 11 Mar 1854
541 mentions


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Autobiography Volume 2 circa 1865
On the I rode to George A Smiths took him in my carriage rode to the Ferry dined with Brother Benson and again crossed the river to see President Richards. Just as we landed the blowing of the bugle the rush to arms and report that Indians were coming upon the people created quite an excitement. About 80 men assembled but they were in a poor state to resist an attack. No Indians however came; and the people were addressed by Amasa Lyman George A. Smith and myself upon the necessity of being well armed and prepared for Indian attacks while in an Indian country. The men were required to met every night at sun-set for drill. The night previous to this the Omahas came upon some Pawnees who were in the town and fired arrows upon them which they returned with powder and ball but none were killed. On the Sunday I rode with my family to the Tabernacle and President Richards laid his curcumstances before the meeting. George A. Smith W. Woodruff and O. Hyde urged the subject of our assisting President Richards with waggons oxen &c to follow on to the Mountains and a committee was appointed to go and obtain means for this purpose At the close of meeting I took the parting hand with many of the Saints. Brother Richards blessed me and said that the power of God should rest upon me on this mission and that no power should prevail against me. Many blessings he pronounced on my head


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Jun 14, 1848