Day in the Life

Sep 12, 1848

Journal Entry

September 12, 1848 ~ Tuesday

12th A folded letter/box I recieved two letters from W. J. Appleby &
J. Gibson I Ascertained that Br Appleby thwas
quite sick. In the Afternoon In company with
Father Carter, S B. Foss, Rhoda Foss, & Mrs Woodruff
I left Scarborough & rode to Gray left Rhode continue on
to Glocester & spent the night. A heavy frost at night 30 miles


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Carter, Ezra, b. 1773
18 Mar 1773 - 10 Mar 1868
291 mentions
Gibson, Jacob
1 Jan 1814 - 1 May 1882
Woodruff, Phebe Whittemore Carter
8 Mar 1807 - 10 Nov 1885
1587 mentions
Foss, Rhoda Harriet Richards
19 Apr 1830 - 19 Nov 1881
24 mentions
Foss, Sarah Brackett Carter
30 Sep 1800 - 4 Mar 1894
185 mentions
Appleby, William Ivins
13 Aug 1811 - 20 May 1870


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Letter from Philo Dibble, 12 September 1848
Saint Louis Brother W. Woodruff The foregoing in a copy of a letter sent to England by Brother Levi Richards and have taken the opportunity of presenting the same to you that you might understand the arrangement made there. Brother Philo Dibble's Sceneries Museum &c Beloved brethren Orson Pratt and Osrson Spencer. Levi Richards to England affords me an opportunity of addressing you upon a subject the interest of which I know lies very near your hearts. Inasmuch as your name Bro Spencer was given ^1st^ to sanction and influence my feeble efforts in support of the noble cause of illustrating by painting the history of the Church. Others in common with yourself gave the helping hand, until the pencil of the Artist yielded to the inspiration of mind and the mighty passing events, the changing scences, the Vicissitudes of the Saints under the direct persecutions, and the travails of the Church, contending against the oppressions, errors, and superstitions of ungodly men. Which will stand forever as a "way mark" of the rise and progress of the Church of the last days. As the importance of the work grew, upon me and I needed a more extensive patronage. The 1st Presidency and the leading authorities of the Church were the willing supporters and the hearty co-operaters, in placing these high objects before the saints, scattered throughout all the world and their magnitude. The importance of uniting their Interests, with my labors in this Department of of the building up the Kingdom of God To you also Bro Pratt I am indebted, for your whole soul engagedness as a living witness of the Truthfulness of my humble efforts to make a Joseph and a Hyram appear and speak to the Eye and heart of the thousands of Saints assembled at nauvoo, Winter Quarters, and Council Bluffs, and may I not say, shall yet speak to the millions of this generation. Permit me therefore dear brethren to lay before the the Saints in England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales and wherever your infulence can be extended. The nature, design, history, and importance of this work. I have already nearly completed two scenes of a series, one illustrating Joseph addressing the Nauvoo Legion three Days prior to his imprisionment in Carthage Jail The other the murder of Joseph and Hyrum, while under arrest each scene comprising 128 feet of canvass. The designs are by Bro Robert Campbell who is engaged in visiting places taking sketches, and making himself acquainted with all the essential matters and facts, as they may connect themselves with historical paintings The execution of the designs of the above sceneries, established the reputation of Bro Campbell among as for faithful portraiture Bro Major of many years experience, has also devoted his labors in this work Many painters have made a sacrifice of time in responding to my calls upon their labors. Bro Campbell has many sketches of the sceneries mentioned in my "preface" These will appear as soon as means can be obtained to carry on the work in the Valley of the Great Salt Lake Eschition [Exhibition] of the Sceneries are given from time to time, as wisdom shall dictate
Autobiography Volume 2 circa 1865
On the afternoon of the Father Carter, G B. ^Ira Carter^ Foss Rhoda Foss and myself and Mrs Woodruff left Scarborough to visit Freedom Moulton and family at Wilton which we reached on the second day having left however sister Rhoda on the way Here Sarah B Foss Phebe Woodruff and Shuah C. Moulton all our sisters had the privilege of meeting once more together. It had been 8 years since they had met before. It was a happy family union. Freedom Moulton had a good farm of 100 acres and had taught shchool 120 months. He and his wife Myrs Woodruff's sister treated us kindly during our visit. We parted


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Sep 12, 1848