Day in the Life

Sep 25, 1848

Journal Entry

September 25, 1848 ~ Monday

25th ^ A crown^ A hand pointing to the right I wrote two letters one to Mrs Woodruff one
to Lucian B. CRichmond Br Rockwood spent the day with
me & wrote to Br Joseph Young. In the evening we
laid hands upon the head of Br Allexander Badlom & blessed
him & ordained ahim to be one of the Presidents in the
sixts Quorum of the 7Seventies Br Rockwood was mouth


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Rockwood, Albert Perry
9 Jun 1805 - 26 Nov 1879
Badlam, Alexander, b. 1808
28 Nov 1808 - 1 Dec 1894
103 mentions
Zion's Camp
Young, Joseph
7 Apr 1797 - 16 Jul 1881
Woodruff, Phebe Whittemore Carter
8 Mar 1807 - 10 Nov 1885
1587 mentions

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Letter to Samuel Brannan, 25 September 1848
Boston Brother Brannan Dear Sir As their is a ship about to sail from New York: to carry the mail to Calafornia I feel a disposition to improve it by droping a few lines to you to give you even a synopsis of evry thing transpired with me since I saw you & of the news of the county on a sheet of paper would require more still then I possess yet I will say a few things We stayed in the valley about one month, put for home, met 600 waggons of Saints about the NMountain pass going on, while spending the last night with the last company the Indians stole 49 Horses from us, 8 days after made an attack upon us in open day for more but ownly got one. We lived mostly on Buffalo Meat going Home without Bread Arived at Winter Quarters the fore part of Nov, found our families generally well. And we all spent a good Winter had good meetings & councils & the Lord was with us, not a quarter as much sickness as the year before the folks all busy during the winter & spring getting ready to go either to the East or West After I got ready with the rest to go to the West, it Was decided that I should go to the Eastern States & preside ofover that part, and Canidas, New Brunswick Nova scotia &c And O Pratt go to England to preside over the British Isles. So I changed abot & set my face for the East instead the West I waited However to see the spring caps camps start for the vally. I was ^with^ Brs Young & Kimball at the Home to see them start with their first company of 600 waggons. they made a grand looking Encampment they were fitted out with provisions one year & a half they left about 25 May. W Richards & A Lyman left abot the 25th of June with another company of over 300 waggon their were near 1000 waggons in all of the saints went this spring. We had letters from ^them^ from Laramie & the Saints in the vally theDated the last of May. they were doing well all good health prospect of good crops ownly the crickets had eat some of it


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Sep 25, 1848