Day in the Life

Sep 27, 1848

Journal Entry

September 27, 1848 ~ Wednesday

27 [FIGURE] I spent most of the day in Worcester Attending the
cattle show I saw some of the finest oxen I ever saw
in my life. I saw one large Black ox that guirted 10 feet and
weighed Alive 4,200, two Durham oxen which were two
of three twins calved at at time weight lbs 2200 each, A Manmouth
Durham cow guirt 8 feet weight 2,500 lbs And 3 durham
twin calves looked well. the Above was in A show. In
the pens I saw A Black ^ox^ weight 2767 his mate read ox 2750
one yoke of read oxen the fattest I ever saw the yoke weighed
5110 lbs And one Durham calf 7 months old weight 800 lbs
during the evening I rode on the cars to Northbridge
the cars were all loaded down in such A manner that
the cars were loaded & crouded Almost to suffication
it was crouded out on the platform untill they were in
dangers of falling of. I called upon Br Wm Sweat at
Joseph Aldridge And spent the night 15 m


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Aldrich, Joseph
10 Aug 1801 - 17 Nov 1874
Swett, William
abt. 1806-1876


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Autobiography Volume 2 circa 1865
On the I was at Worcester. There was a cattle show there on that day; and here wasere some of the finest oxen I ever saw in my life. I saw one large ox that girted 10 feet and weighed alive 4200 pounds; two Durham oxen which were two of three twins calved at a time 2200 lbs each; a mamouth Durham cow girt 8 feet, weight 2500 lbs; and other remarkable specimens in the cattle line. In the evening I took the cars to Northbridge We were loaded down almost to suffocation and the cars crowded out on the platforms until the people were in danger of falling off I stayed with the Saints at Northbridge over the next day and returned to Worcester. Here I visited the insane hospital which contained about 500 occupants. Their appartments were neat clean and comfortable. Bro ^Jesse^ Haven went through the Asylum with me.


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Sep 27, 1848