Day in the Life

Oct 18, 1848

Journal Entry

October 18, 1848 ~ Wednesday

18th A crown A hand pointing to the right A hand pointing to the right I wrote three Letters one to Br David Bishop
one to Smith Tuttle And one to Phebe W. Woodruff I wrote
10 verses of poetry in Mrs Woodruff letter 8 hours intervened
between writing the 5 and 6th verses during which time I went
ofut with Mr Merrill in an open row boat to get oysters we were caught
in A gale of wind & rain blown off from shore was picked up by
A four ton sloop & carried to land while going in we carried
away our gib twice came near runing onto the rocks but we got in
in safety with no other damage but being drenched with rain
the reward of which was A plenty of oysters for supper After
getting through my oyster supper I wrot the last 5 verses
And retired to rest for the night. The verses above alluded
to will be found on the following page. The following is all^so^ an
extract from my letter to my wife

I have been much blessed with the spirit of God since I saw you
I have felt more of the presence and power of God with me than
I expected to have enjoyed on this eastern mission. I have felt
that some one has prayed much for me of late. I wonder if it
was Phebe I know you pray much for me I feel its power
And prize it much. I have never felt such A desire to prove
worthy of your confidence and trust, shun evry appearance of
evil, keep out of the path of all temptation, And do right
in all things as I have of late. I have had much of the
spirit of secret prayer, have poured out my soul in suppli-
cation before God with tears of Joy, while the visions of my
mind have been open at times to see clearly my duty to my
God to my wife and children, to the Saints And world at large
I have also seen of late the Awful certain judgments of
God which like a gathering storm are ready to burst upon the
whole gentile world esspecially this Nations, who have herd the
sound of the gospel, rejected it with all the testimony of the
servents of God, Have stoned And killed the Prophets anre
drunk with the Blood of marters And Saints And At last have
driven the entire Church & kindgdom of God with the priesthood
And keys of eternal life & salvation out of their midst into the
wilderness & the mountains of Israel And by so doing have
turned the last key which seals their condemnation which
lingereth not And their damnation which slumbereth not
therefore they cannot escape. Not ownly the Holy Ghost but
that portion of the spirit of God that enlighteneth evry man
that cometh into the world, like A faithful embassador has finished
his work And is rapidly taking its flight from Gentile America
and wo, wo, wo is their DOOM

The following verses I penned to my wife at Norwark Ct Oct 18th 1848

When shall I hear from my dear wife
From those poor suffering pilgraims too
Whose prayers shield me from that strife
Which daily flow from sin and wo

It learns me how to prize their worth
When I am from them far away
Earthly honors could not call me forth
Or make me leave them for so long A day

But O A message I am call to bear
EFor Him who gave and holds my life
In many A sacrafize I'm call to share
Often to leave my sons, my Daughters, and my wife

O my Father shield them with thy power
Behold their earnest prayers which mount on high
Let Heavens watchers guard their silent Bower
Answer their prayers and note their evry sigh

Their faith thou hast ever seen
Their sufferings Thou alone dost Know
None but Thee can tell what all their trials have been
Since they were wandering pilgraims here below

O, my Father guard them through all time to come
Let their days and years be lengthend out
O call them not to leave my earthy home
But make A Heaven of my humble cot

May they fulfill all their visit here
As did their LORD then rise to reign
Inthroned in glory beyound the reach of fear
Or sickness sorrow death or pain

O! God forgive the past keep me from future Ill
Let light, wisdom, truth and virtue fill my heart
Prepare me for that glory which doth the Heavens fill
From the most holy anointed vows may I never part

O give me power to honor those noble treasures given
As the first pillars to build my Kingdom on
Help me to firmly stand with them in Heaven
That I may prove A true and faithful son

Then I will reign with my Dear wife and children to
With Joseph and Hiram and all of Abrams seed
I'll shout Hosannah to God and the Lamb with all who go
From their graves with the redeemed of our DEAD


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

245 mentions
Scriptural Figure
Smith, Hyrum
9 Feb 1800 - 27 Jun 1844
427 mentions
Smith, Joseph (Jr.)
23 Dec 1805 - 27 Jun 1844
Woodruff, Phebe Whittemore Carter
8 Mar 1807 - 10 Nov 1885
1589 mentions
Tuttle, Smith
12 Mar 1795 - 7 Mar 1865
Merrill, Valentine
8 May 1811 - 12 Jan 1875


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Autobiography Volume 2 circa 1865
During the following days to the I visited New York Brooklin Hempstead and Northwalk ^Newark Norwalk^ Ct. being at New York and Brooklin several times in the interval. The following is an extract of a letter written by me to my wife on the 18th: "I have been much blessed with the Spirit of God since I saw you. I have felt more of the presence and power of God with me than I expected to have enjoyed on this Eastern mission I have felt that some one has prayed much for me of late. I wonder if it was Phebe? I know you pray much for me. I feel its power and prize it much. I have never felt such a desire to prove worthy of your confidence and trust, shun every eappearance of evil keep out of the path of all temptation and do right in all things as I have of late "I have had much of the spirit of secret prayer, have poured out my soul in supplication before God with tears of joy while the visions of my mind have been open at times to see clearly my duty to my God, to my wife and children, to the Saints and the world at large. "I have also seen the awful and certain judgements of God which like a gathering storm are ready to burst upon the whole Gentile world, especially this nation who have heard the sound of the Gospel rejected it with all the testimony of the servants of God stoned and killed the Prophets become drunk with the blood of martyrs and Saints and at last driven the entire Church with the Priesthood and keys of Eternal life out of their midst into the Wilderness and Mountains of Israel By so doing they have turned the last key which seals their condemnation which lingereth not and their damnation which slumbereth not: therefore they cannot escape. Not only the Holy Ghost but that portion of the Spirit of God that

Oct 18, 1848