Day in the Life

Oct 20, 1848

Journal Entry

October 20, 1848 ~ Friday

20th Elder David A Bishop of Stamford Ct called upon me early
in the morning I went home with him to Stamford convers
ed with him untill 2 oclok I then took stage & rode to
New Haven got in at 10 oclok at night I called upon Wm Hand
59 Green Street New Haven & spent the night distanc 50 m[iles]


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Letter from Dan Jones, 20 October 1848
Merthyr My Dear Bro. Woodruff, I, at length find an opportunity to acknowledge the receipt of yr welcome letters, the last of which arrived here last week & truly thankfull am I for your kindness in writing me & that one so un worthy is thought of, & prayed for so far away & by those whose esteem & confidence I value above wishes that perish. In reading over your precious heralds my heart leaps for joy in anticipation of the blessed day when our warfare will be ended among the Babilonians & when we and all the faithfull Saints will "meet to part no more" as Sectarians say on "Zion's thrice sanctified hill." My whole soul is invigorated by your cheering counsels to go ahead & in the name of him who has brought me hitherto I say—I will go ahead & make the grampian hills of Wales echo my testimony through the glens & clear my escuthion in the day of visitation. It is true that the Lord has blessed my labors beyond my anticipations so that thousands already of the Ancient Britons sing the songs ^of Zion^ [sideways text] Capt Dan Jones Oct 20 1848 [end of sideways text]

Oct 20, 1848