Corner of Harverd and Davis Street, Cambridge Port, U.S.A., Dec. .
Dear Brother Pratt,—I received a letter from Elder Hyde, saying, that Oliver
Cowdery had come to the Bluffs with his family; had made satisfaction to the
Church, who had voted to receive him into the Church by baptism; and Elder
Hyde was expected to baptize him next day. He was assisting Elder Hyde to put
the press in operation for printing, expected to send forth the Frontier Gardian
soon. I was truly glad to hear this, as Oliver Cowdery was the first person bap-
tized into this Church under the hands of Joseph, and is capable ot doing good in
the Kingdom of God; I was truly glad to hear he had returned to the fold.
The Cholera is spreading slowly in New York, and a few cases at New Orleans,
but we have another fever here that is raging to such an extent that the cholera is
almost lost of sight of. It is creating the greatest panic of any fever that was ever
heard of; it is carrying off its tens of thousands; it is called the Gold Fever. A
large number of ships, and thousands of men are preparing to leave our sea ports
for the gold regions of California; the world are believeing as much as now in the
gathering as the Saints, and are gathering much faster; the world gathers for the
gold, and Saints to fulfil the commands of God. Ships are leaving some of the
ports almost daily, loaded with men and goods for the Bay of San Francisco. The
Saints that went out with S. Brannan and the Mormon battalion, not only found
the gold but have had a hand in gathering it. S. Brannan received 36,000 dollars in
gold dust for goods in seventy days. Men, who are digging gold, vary from 5 to
8000 dollars daily, both numbers being extreme cases of good and bad luck. No
man thinks he is doing a good business there, digging gold, without he makes his
fifty dollars daily; it is astonishing what treasures the California mountains have
presented to the eye of man since the Mormons went to that country. Diamonds,
platina, gold, quicksilver, silver, copper, lead, tin, zinc, sulphur, cobalt, &c., &c.,
most of which are found in vast quantities over a large extent of country, espe-
cially gold. Iron is also abundant; these things are creating a great stir in this
country, and thousands are rushing to that land for their fortune, and some make
it in a few days, while others do not so well. I think the Saints at that valley
are well situated, as they are surrounded by mountains and out of the great bustle
that will be at the Bay; and when the Saints have got rich by digging gold, they can
retire into the valley and settle down if they cannot find any thing else to do.
Congress is struggling hard to form California into a State; the commitee, how-
ever, are instructed to consider the subject, in the mean time, of organizing that
portion of California, called Salt Lake Country into a Territorial Government.
But the Slave Question, connected with that territory, is the bone of contention,
hard to be digested, and is beginning to create warm times. The Ohio Legislature
and whole State is nearly in the midst of civil war; the two parties are a tie, and