Day in the Life

Apr 5, 1849

Journal Entry

April 05, 1849 ~ Thursday

5th A hand pointing to the right A hand pointing to the right I wrote two letters one to Orson Hyde sent him $2
for Papers to Cape Cod And two full sheets to President Brigham
& council I spoke vary plain upon A variety of subjects gave an
account of the work with me spoke of Smith, Adams, Van Dusan & Co.

And the Spirit of God was upon me when I wrote. I spoke of the
Judgments of God upon the Earth.


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Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 29 Aug 1877
3471 mentions
Apostle, Family
Hyde, Orson
8 Jan 1805 - 28 Nov 1878
698 mentions
Smith, William B.
13 Mar 1811 - 13 Nov 1893
98 mentions


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Letter to Brigham Young and Council, 5 April 1849
Philadelphia President Young & Council Dear Brethren As near two months have passed away since I wrote my other letters I thought I would add a little more before they go. two companies of Saints are preparing to leave the Eastern States for the west & will start in few days. Those at Boston & East & North of there rendezvous at Worcester &Mass & go with Br Haven via of Abany, Buffalo, Chicago & St. Louis to the Bluffs, but I think that company will be small, those at New Haven New York & philadelphia &c Start from Phil & are led lead by Elder Appleby will take the Southern route about 50 will go from the philadelphia Brach. Since I last wrote I have observed wherever I have traveld & preached, A revival of the Spirit of Enquiry & investigation of the principles of the Latter Day Saints & feeling after the Gospel of Jesus Christ by that portion of com- munity who are honest in heart & are reflecting upon the signs of the times which are now developing themselves before the Eyes of this generation in fulfillment of ancient and modern prophecy & the Revelations of Jesus Christ. It is true this class are like the gleaning of grapes after the vintage is done, few when compared with the mass, yet with them I find at the present time the strong foundations of their prejudice against our cause is giving away they are candidly enquiring after our principles religion & welfare & in a good number of instances are Embracing the work, as an Exh example I will say that before I came here I spent several weeks with my family in Cambridgeport during which time I held meetings on the Sabbath & weekday evenings in my own hired house & those of my Brethern & we had full houses, & many began to investigate & some strong minded men & the result was we Baptized 8 in few days & as many more are ready for the water, when I left, among those which I Baptized was A Mr Snow & Lady that attended with Br Whipple Also


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Apr 5, 1849