Day in the Life

Jul 28, 1849

Journal Entry

July 28, 1849 ~ Saturday

28th I took the parting hand with Sister Russell & the Saints
And in company with Elder Joseph Russel And his son George H. Russell
we left the Island to go to Bedeque I felt greatly blest while on this Island
I recieved great kindness from Brother & Sister BRussell who are

Israelites indeed & full of faith & good works our hearths were knit
together and I felt it good to be under their roof & in their society
I shall long remember my visit with them. we rode to Chatham
we here parted with George H. Russell we took stage & Br Rusll
& myself started on our journey for Bedeque we rode through
Ketchmaquack Rushabueto, Bocktoosh Cookhane to Shedeac 80 m[iles]
Spent the night at Lemnon In I got a letter from Br Cannon
A folded letter/box


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Jul 28, 1849