Day in the Life

Jul 31, 1849

Journal Entry

July 31, 1849 ~ Tuesday

31st We hired A man to carry us in a waggon 4 miles to Br
Wm Maxfield we were quite weary when we arived took
some Breakfast then went to A stream near by & caught about
a dozen salt water trout. In the Afternoon I met with the
saints at Br John Peter Pickets I found I found 22 members & 4
Priest in the Bedeque Branch. rather in a cold state as A Body I
preached to them the gospel & spoke of the signs of the times I returned
back with Br Russell & we spent the night with Br Wm Maxfield 10 m
There is also 4 Saints in Charlottetown


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Russell, Joseph
17 Aug 1786 - 10 Mar 1855


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Autobiography Volume 2 circa 1865
at sunrise on the and next day hired a man to carry

Jul 31, 1849