Day in the Life

Dec 20, 1850

Journal Entry

December 20, 1850 ~ Friday

Patriarchal Blessings

On this 20th Day of Dec 1850 Father John Smith the
Patriarch over the whole sChurch Appointed to Bless the people
met at my House And gave unto my Father Aphek Woodruf
His Patriarchal Blessing Also Sister Sarah B. Foss and Her
family received their Blessings at the same time. Phebe W.
& myself had both of us received our patriarchal
Blessings from under the hands of Father Joseph Smith
the first Patriarch to the Church in his day which were
recorded in the Church Records. Father John Smith However
Blessed Mrs Woodruff with the rest to day. Before commencing
to Bless Father Smith made sum remarks upon the subject
said He considerd the mark spoken of by Ezekiel set in the
forehead of the righteous by the one having the writers inkhorn by his
side [Ezekiel 9:2] was the patriarchal blessings & seal in the last days And the
Revelator St John had the same thing in view when He spoke
of the one hundred & forty four thousand sealed out of the Twelve
tribes of Israel. [Revelation 7:4] Also spoke of the Blessings of Abram Isaac and
Jacob to their children the Patriarchs And many other Edifying
remarks were made. The following Are our Patriarchal Blessings
As sealed by the Patriarchs upon our Heads

Aphek Woodruff Patriarchal Blessing

A Blessing by John Smith Patriarch upon the head of
Aphek Woodruff son of Eldad & Dinah Woodruff born
in Farmington Hartford Co Connecticut November 11th 1778
Brother Aphek beloved of the Lord I lay my hands upon thy
head in the order of the Priesthood and Notwithstanding
thy great Age I seal upon thee A Fathers Blessing inasmuch
as thou hast obeyed the gospel with full purpose of Heart
left thy Native land disregarding persecution thou hast
passed through many trials and difficulties thy faith hath
not failed thou art determined to persevere in the ways
of truth and righteousness and thy name is written in
the Lambs Book of life and is not to be blotted out the
Lord will grant unto thee evry blessings which your heart
desires for thou art a lawful heir to the Priesthood of the
Blood of Ephraim which Priesthood shall be confered
upon you in its fulness in due time. Thou shalt have power
to heal the sick in thine house and do any miracle that was
ever done by man in the name of Jesus when it is necessary
for the salvation of Israel. Thy posterity shall become num-
erous upon the Earth And shall fill a station in the House of
which shall endure unto the end of time. The days
of your years shall be according to the desire of your heart,
even to see Israel gatherd and Zion esstablished in peace andin the
plenty Earth. Thou shalt have health peace & plenty while you dwell
in the flesh. Thou art called to do much good in esstablishing
instructing the saints even to preach the gospel not ownly while
you live but beyound the veil [thou] shall gather thousands of the
remnants of the House of Israel and bring them to a knowl-
edge of the resurrection of the dead. Thou shalt live many
years and see much good accomplished among the Saints
be satisfyed with life come up in the Resurrection with thy
former companion and all thy Fathers House to inherit a
Kingdom which shall endure forever and ever Amen

[rest of page blank]

Father Smith recorded my Fathers Blessing my own, Mrs Woodruffs
Sister Sarah B Foss & her familys Blessings all together in his record


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246 mentions
Scriptural Figure
Woodruff, Aphek, b. 1779
11 Nov 1779 - 28 May 1861
579 mentions
Woodruff, Bulah Thompson
22 Apr 1783 - 11 Jun 1808
76 mentions
Woodruff, Dinah Woodford
1 Mar 1754 - 12 Jun 1825
23 mentions
39 mentions
119 mentions
Scriptural Figure
48 mentions
Scriptural Figure
101 mentions
Scriptural Figure
170 mentions
Scriptural Figure
180 mentions
Scriptural Figure
Smith, John, b. 1781
16 Jul 1781 - 23 May 1854
Smith, Joseph (Sr.)
12 Jul 1771 - 14 Sep 1840
Woodruff, Phebe Whittemore Carter
8 Mar 1807 - 10 Nov 1885
1589 mentions
Foss, Sarah Brackett Carter
30 Sep 1800 - 4 Mar 1894
185 mentions


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Thus ends the Time & labour of another half centaury AD 1850 Yes Eighteen hundeed & fifty has gone to make anoth[er] link in the great chain of this Earth probation. It has been an important year in many respects the revolutions & changes & signs of the times among the Nations of the Earth indicate the fulfillment of the word of God & the preparation for the coming of the son of Man. It has been a year of blessings upon Zion & her children. The Lord hath preserved my life to lead one of the camps of Israel out of the midst of the gentiles to mingle with their Brethren in Zion now building up cities in the rich vallies of the mountains of Israel. The Saints have been abundantly prospered & blessed during this year in all they have put their hands unto some thousands have emigrated this year to Zion from the States
~ Wilford Woodruff

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Dec 20, 1850