Wilford appointed to the Council (Legislature) of the State of Deseret (serves a total of 21 terms).
223 & 24th I spent the time drawing rock from the canions
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Thus ends the Time & labour of another half centaury AD 1850 Yes Eighteen hundeed & fifty has gone to make anoth[er] link in the great chain of this Earth probation. It has been an important year in many respects the revolutions & changes & signs of the times among the Nations of the Earth indicate the fulfillment of the word of God & the preparation for the coming of the son of Man. It has been a year of blessings upon Zion & her children. The Lord hath preserved my life to lead one of the camps of Israel out of the midst of the gentiles to mingle with their Brethren in Zion now building up cities in the rich vallies of the mountains of Israel. The Saints have been abundantly prospered & blessed during this year in all they have put their hands unto some thousands have emigrated this year to Zion from the States
View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.