Business/Financial - List of Supplies Account Book, 1850-1855
Paid percentage on $300 U. S. gold 18
To removing goods to Ralstons House 10
To per ct on $300 for U.S. coin 7 per ct
To 4 month rent for store at Baylis House $24 96 00
To 5 month rent for store in Ralstons $510 50
To Bill per J M Grant for sending Oxen to meet us on the road 24 00
To Herding cattle per L Young pr Bill 43 06
To Herding 72 Head cattle 167 days 1 ct per day per Willis &c 120 24
Cost of Hireing men to look up lost cattle & going to & from the Herd during winter 50
To state & county tax on goods waggon oxen during the year 1851 34 20