Day in the Life

Mar 29, 1851

Journal Entry

March 29, 1851 ~ Saturday

29th I spent the day at home The Nauvoo Legion came out Elder
Benson & myself were Appointd chaplains of the legion


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Benson, Ezra Taft
22 Feb 1811 - 3 Sep 1869
379 mentions


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Political/Government - General Orders of the Nauvoo Legion, 29 March 1851
Great Salt Lake City . General Orders No 2 I. The Companies having formed this morning, as prescribed by law for company musters and drills, the Rolls will be called at 9 A.M. precisely, and the returns of the muster made therefrom. The most proficient tacticians will then be selected, from the companies who will drill the men either in squads or by com- panies diligently till 12 O'C, when the companies will be dismissed for one hour. II. The companies will form at 1 P.M. precisely, and the rolls be called, after which the Regiments will form and go through the inspection of arms, equippage and ammanition. III. At 2 P.M. the Legion will be consolidated and prepare for Review, and such other movements as the General Command- ing may order. IV. Those to whom enlisting orders have been given will make their reports from this muster, and if the companies are filled, organize them by the election of the necessary officers. V. Elders Wilford Woodruff & E. T Benson are hereby appointed Chaplains of the Legion. They will be obeyed and re- spected accordingly. By order of Major Genl Dan. H. Wells James Ferguson Adjutant General.


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Mar 29, 1851