Day in the Life

Feb 15, 1853

Journal Entry

February 15, 1853 ~ Tuesday

Feb 15 A meeting of the seventies was called in the Tabernacle
the House was filled. The meeting was opened by prayer by Z
. J M Grant Arsose & said this meeting is to trans[ac]t
business, preach & teach the people regulate the diffent quors
&c. The Meeting was then addressed by Z Pulsipher who spoke
well & made good remaks

Henry Harriman next followed & spoke to edifycation

Milo Andrews next followed & also edifyed the people

Harrison Burgess next followed He also spoke well quoted
some prophesies said the Seventis were to go out under the
direction of the Twelve & build up the kingdom of God &
regulate all the affairs of the same in all the world who
of the seventies are prepared for all this we should improve
all our time in treasuring up knowledge & instruction
& dont spend it foolishly for we shall want all the knowledge
we kan obtain in filling our mission to the Nations of the
Earth I was Baptized in 1832 & have spent more than
half of my life in the work

Adjourned till 2 oclok Met at 2 ock according to adjournment
Prayer By W. Woodruff who also addressed the congregation
the following are some of the remarks He made. I am always
interested in meeting with the saints esspecialy with so many
of the Seventies & Elders as are here to day. There never was a
school in any age of the world that presents as much of interest
to the reflecting mind as the one presenting itself to us in this age not
ownly the affairs of the church but the History of the changes & revelo-
tion of all Nations on Earth. the Time has come when the Earth

is to be redeemed from the power & dominion of the Devil
& the heavens with all the prophets that have ever lived are inluded
in the great work the Elders who are before me today have
this great battle to fight & the victor to win I never saw
a time in any age of my life when I have had more
desire to live than at the present time I want to see the w[or]k
progress, the kingdom rise that it may become esstablisd
in all the Earth & the effects that will follow. yes the Elders
should improve their time in treasuring up knowledge &
counsel for you will want it when you go the Nations
of the Earth dont spent your time in playing cards
dice chess or in any such foolish way but improve the
time to the best advantage & seek to conquer yourselvs
& preside over yourselvs & bring all your passions in subj[ectio]n
to the law of Christ as our president has taught us One
item which I count of importance I wish to speak off
I wish to exhort the 70s & Elders to keep a Journal &
History of their lives for the record & history of this
church & kingdom will be wanted in a future day ther
has been no dispensation on Earth the procedings of
which will be more interesting than the one in which we
live. Should we ever have the privilege in our resurrected
bodies of visiting other planits & the inhabitants of the same we
should want to learn the history of that people if they had
kept no records of their lives, & the dealings of God with them
so we could get their History we should feel much disap-
pointed so would they should they visit us. it is true
that Joseph Smith kept a History of his own life & those
things in some measure connected with him He is now
dead but his life & Testimony is now being published to the
world in seperate peaces in our publications. Also president
Young has scribes who are recording his daily acts & life
which is right & good, but does that record the life
History & dealings of God with the many thousands
of the Apostles & Elders who are or will be in all the world
among evry Nation under Heaven No varrily No. then
all ye Elders of Israel write your History & the dealings of
God with you in all the world for your own benefit
& that of your posterity, for the benefit of the House
of Israel, for the benefit of Jew & Gentile for the benefit
of futur generations, & in fine for the benefit of those
celestial beings from other planets who may see fit to
visit us either in time or eternity & wish to visit our
libraries & peruse the History of the inhabitants of the
Earth esspecially the Saints in the last dispensation & fulness
of times then write & do not neglect it; many other
remarks were made by the speaker which are not recorded

Brother Wood next made a few remaks said He
would do all the good He could would follow the counsel of the prophets
& leave his conscience in the states for He believed the people would
be led by the Holy Ghost if they followed the counsel of the prophets, who
were set to lead them He thought they were safer than his conscience
for paul once thought in all good conscience that He was doing
Gods will by persecuting the saints so his conscience decvd him

A. P. Rockwood next spoke & said my text is in the words
of the Apostle Wilford that we are the people chosen to build
up the kingdom this I believe to be true many glorious
principles have been displayed in the words of Brother Woodruff
& they are worthy to be written & handed down to all generations
as it would be profitable for all to read all should write &
learn to write in short hand that we may report speeches &
sermons let us pay up our tithing & obey the authorities that
are put over us the brethren had much rather be brought
before the Authorities of the land than the Church

Meeting Adjourned till 6 oclok in the evening when the people met
& about 40 were ordained to the Seventies & remarks made
from several of the brethren


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Rockwood, Albert Perry
9 Jun 1805 - 26 Nov 1879
Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 29 Aug 1877
3458 mentions
Apostle, Family
13 mentions
Zion's Camp
Harriman, Henry
9 Jun 1804 - 17 May 1891
Grant, Jedediah Morgan
25 Feb 1816 - 1 Dec 1856
281 mentions
Apostle, Zion's Camp
Smith, Joseph (Jr.)
23 Dec 1805 - 27 Jun 1844
Andrus, Milo
6 Mar 1814 - 19 Jun 1893
40 mentions
Zion's Camp
159 mentions
Scriptural Figure
Pulsipher, Zerah
24 Jun 1788 - 1 Jan 1872


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the Seventis were to go out under the direction of the Twelve & build up the Kingdom of God & regulate all the affairs of the same in all the world who of the seventies are prepared for all this we should improve all our time in treasuring up Knowledge & instruction & dont spend it foolishly for we shall want all the knowledge we kan obtain in filling our mission to the Nations of the Earth
~ Harrison Burgess
I never saw a time in any age of my life when I have had more desire to live than at the present time I want to see the work progress, the kingdom rise that it may become esstablisd in all the Earth & the Effects that will follow. yes the Elders should improve their time in treasuring up knowledge & counsel for you will want it when you go the Nations of the Earth
~ Wilford Woodruff
improve the time to the best advantage & seek to conquer yourselvs & preside over yourselvs & bring all your passions in subjection to the law of Christ
~ Wilford Woodruff
I wish to exhort the 70s & Elders to keep a Journal & History of their lives for the record & history of this Church & Kingdom will be wanted in a future day ther has been no dispensation on Earth the procedings of which will be more interesting than the one in which we live. Should we ever have the privilege in our resurrected bodies of visiting other planits & the inhabitants of the same we should want to learn the history of that people if they had kept no records of their lives, & the dealings of God with them so we could get their History we should feel much disap- pointed so would they should they visit us.
~ Wilford Woodruff

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Discourse 1853-02-15
Prayer By W. Woodruff who also addressed the congregation the following are some of the remarks He made. I am always interested in meeting with the saints esspecialy with so many of the Seventies & Elders as are here to day. There never was a school in any age of the world that presents as much of interest to the reflecting mind as the one presenting itself to us in this age not ownly the affairs of the church but the History of the changes & revelu tion of all Nations on Earth. the Time has come when the Earth


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Wilford appointed clerk and historian of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles at age 45.
Wilford serves third term as member of Territorial Legislature.

Feb 15, 1853