4th Sunday
This was an important day
to the saints some of the strongest preaching ever
deliverd to the saints was herd this day. Orson Pratt
preached in the morning upon the subject of Zion in the
last days & the kingdom of God built upon the mountains
of israel. He was filled with the spirit of God & made
the subject plain & spoke vary pointed. In the Afternoon
Brother D. H. Wells spoke concerning his faith & first acqua-
intance with Joseph Smith Also of our public works. Then
J. M. Grant Arose & then commenced the tug of war strong
& large guns were fired with red Hot balls the gentiles were
told of their wickedness, corruptions, & abominations &
strongly warned against attempting any further to traduce
& corrupt the wives & daughters of the Latter Day Saints
and the Latter Day Saints was strongly warned against
Associating with the gentiles in an unholy manner
When He closed President Kimball arose & followed
him in the same spirit & testimony He said that He
would withdraw fellowship from any sister that would
run after any of the gentiles & He would withdraw
fellowship from any mother that would give her
consent for their daughters to go & associate with
the gentile or from the father if He gave his consent
And if He caught any man commiting Adulterry
with one of his daughters He would kill them both
& so ought any righteous man but let not any
person that has commit Adultery ever kill another
person for commiting the satme act many important
things were said which were reported by the writers
& will be published in due time
At the close of the meeting at the Tabernacle we met
at the Presidents House for Prayer. report came
that the Indian Walker was dead that He died
in his tent with the consumption this drew out some
remarks from President Young upon the subject
of the Indians He said that He was thankful that we
had got along as well as we had with the Indians since
we had been here He thought they had improved
in thereir condition considering what advantages
they had quite as much as the Saints had.
After meeting I walked down & laid hands upon
Sister Anderson a dDanish woman who was quite
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