Day in the Life

Jan 2, 1857

Journal Entry

January 02, 1857 ~ Friday

2nd I met in the Legislative Council in the forenoon & done good deal of
business also read the 17 chapter of St John & 10 chapter Heb. Wethe spirit
of God
was with us & many God [good] things said. I held a council
with President YoKimball & the 12 about the Missionaries & Bishop of the 13 ward
and at 65 oclok I called upon Edson Stowell who was vary sick with
the Lung fever. I laid hands upon him & blessed him. I then went to
the social Hall & met in council with the Twelve President Spencer & the
Bishop of the 13 ward we spent the time in council till midnight the object of
the meeting was to unite the feelings of the Bishop & council with the missionaries
we had a good time and all felt benefited when we left


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Spencer, Daniel
20 Jul 1794 - 8 Dec 1868
Woolley, Edwin Dilworth
28 Jun 1807 - 14 Oct 1881
126 mentions
Kimball, Heber Chase
14 Jun 1801 - 22 Jun 1868
1467 mentions


Browse places mentioned in Wilford Woodruff's journal entry on this day. Click on the place names to view other pages where they are mentioned.



View selected quotes from this page in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

He said that He did not Believe in this custom of Adoption [FIGURE] that had been practiced in this Church no man should give his Birthright to another but should keep his birthright in the linage of his Fathers & go to & unite the link through the whole linage of their fathers untill they come up to a man in the Linage who held the priesthood like a Branch of a tree the branch of a vine still abides in the vine though it comes out of it unless the vine is cut of[f] or the branch it will abide in it. now unless a man is a poor Cuss he should keep his priest- hood & unite it with his Fathers & not give it to another. & the Lord will save our Father. Evry man that gets his Patriarchal Blessings & Priesthood He becomes the Patriarch of his own family & should bless his own family.
~ Heber C Kimball
the spirit of God rested upon us in power & the vision of our minds was open upon the priesthood & its power & Blessings. I told the people that they did not prize the priesthood as they should & spoke of the great work which we had to perform who bore the priesthood in preparing this generation for salvation or damnation in redeeming our dead &c.
~ Wilford Woodruff


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Members of Territorial Legislature rebaptized (Wilford for the fifth time).
Church membership is 55,236.

Jan 2, 1857