Day in the Life

Jan 6, 1857

Journal Entry

January 06, 1857 ~ Tuesday

56th I spent the day in the Legislator we dined upon a sumptuous dinner
given at the Globe by Capt Hooper of oysters, mountain sheep, Beef
vegitables pies cakes nuts &c. I attended meeting at the 70 Hall with the
Bishops &c. Hyde, Woodruff & L Snow of the Twelve attended we all spoke
& had a good meeting. we red the news of the day


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Snow, Lorenzo
3 Apr 1814 - 10 Oct 1901
708 mentions
Apostle, Family
Hyde, Orson
8 Jan 1805 - 28 Nov 1878
698 mentions


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I spoke of the organ- ization of the Church & the Patriarchal order of the Church & the Blessings given us & exhorted the people to prize the blessings which God had put into their hands & not to treat lightly the Holy things of God.
~ Wilford Woodruff

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Discourse 1857-01-06
Wilford Woodruff was pleased with L. W. Hardy's introducing the Book of Mormon &c into the schools, spoke of his own indefaticable exertions about a year ago, to wake up an interest among the children in every ward by holding evening meetings with them, but owing to the deadness of the parents it was an uphill work, and almost labour in vain, speaking of the priesthood he said Bp Hunter was the head of this Bishopric, and he often felt weighed down with something on his mind which he wanted the Bishops to relieve him of, by carrying out his instructions, refered to the Israelites who had gone so far from God, that they could do nothing without a Law, even to govern them in the smallest things, such was the condition of the world at the present time, spoke of the extent of the priesthood that the Bishops exercised among the people, which was sufficient for almost everything that trans- pired, if the people will do right. He deprecated the practise of farmers bringing young sheep to the Butchers for slaughter, and desired the Bishops to check it, for the raising of Wool, Hemp, and Flax was of too much importance to be trifled with, for we may rest assured, that we shall be under the necessity of sustaining ourselves, and that very soon. contrasted the law of the priesthood with the laws of the Territory, by one of which everybody had to be governed.
Discourse 1857-01-06
Wilford Woodruff, suggested as a preventive against the brethren getting behind hand in their tithing, viz for every one to pay it at the very time of raising, and in every kind that is raised, he also suggested that Bro McRae be appointed a Bishop of the 11th Ward, with the view of relieving the excess- ive burthen now upon the shoulders of Bro Hardy.


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Members of Territorial Legislature rebaptized (Wilford for the fifth time).
Church membership is 55,236.

Jan 6, 1857