Day in the Life

Mar 7, 1857

Journal Entry

March 07, 1857 ~ Saturday

7th I am still unwell President Young came in this morning & Herd
a part of his History read & corrected it I spent most of the
day in the office


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Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 29 Aug 1877
3472 mentions
Apostle, Family


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Letter from Amasa Mason Lyman, 7 March 1857
San Bernardino Elder Wilford Woodruff, Dear Brother Yours of the 4th Feb came to hand and was welcome. This leaves me as I hope it may find you and yours well, as is the case with the Saints Generaly. The parcel of F[r]uit cutings you received were furnished by Br. Dodge, the Strawberries that were sent were known to be as you state of the unproductive class But they were the only ones he had that lived of what he brought with him, and he sent them supposeing that you might have some of the other class that could be put with them, this I should have explained to you when they were sent but for the premture starting of the Mail which hindered; Br D. tells me that he has sent to San Francisco by Br Whipple for seds and cutings but has had no returns from him. The only thing that I can do to secure the seeds you spoke of will be to institute an enquirey in the Market at Francisco. If there they can be procured and forwarded; It is cheering ^to^ hear the spirit of reformation is rife among the People and my prayr is that it may never be less until the people of the Saints shall cease to sin and corruption is turned away from them. Br Rich Joins in Love to you and we would be remembered to the members of our Qorum who are there and to all who may enquire Yours truly Amasa Lyman


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Mar 7, 1857